Chapter ten

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Also if you want, follow my Instagram, and for artists please join along~

@ real._.denki

I just kinda need more followers, and more people joining along. :)

Thanks, okay now. I am gonna make a long chapter hopefully.

Onto reading:


The walk remained mainly silent. A few questions here or there, but otherwise, there was no conversation. At all really. Which was really worrying me.

Then, adding on the fact of everything I heard about Bakugou's family... He also seems so... Rich.

I'm poor.

This could go very, very wrong. I am not prepared in the slightest. My legs wobbling as I walk, and me in general just being a skaky mess. I keep rubbing my arms together, to try to make myself feel better.

"What are you doing?" Bakugou muttered.

I looked over, and his eyes were staring straight at me. I looked away right away, and dropped my arms at my sides.

"Well?" He questioned again.

"I'm nervous." I said softly, hoping he wouldn't hear me, but yet again I hoped he did.

"To meet my family?" He chuckled a bit, "Don't be. If they mess with you, we are leaving right away. I don't even plan on seeing them long."

I nodded. Bakugou grabbed my shoulder, and pulled me close to him. I just accepted that.

Finally Bakugou made a sigh, and looked over at me once more. "We're here, Angel face."

I looked at him, on silence. More nervous now.

I looked over at the house. The house had a door far that seemed caved in. Then I got view of the full thing.

The amount of grass and trees and how green they were was just enough to label it as 'rich'.

Also adding on was the fence, or wall around the house with the circular lights at the entrance.

Then not only was there one pouch, but instead there was two. Two goddamn porches.

I gasped seeing that. The house seemed to be three stories tall. That was bigger then Bakugous ego-

And also all the money I ever had-

Seriously, if I seen this house before I would have thought it belonged to a spoiled kid. Well, I guess I turned out to be right-

Anyways, I walked up the path with Bakugou next to me.

Before he even had a chance to get a foot near the door, it swung open, causing me to jump back in a bit of fear.

There was a woman, who looked so young, and a lot like Bakugou. I figured she was his sister.


Then her eyes met mine, and she stopped for a quick second. Her face dropped, and I swear to God I felt like sprinting out of that situation real quick.

But instead of being cursed at, I got love. She ran towards me, and wrapped her arms around be.

"Hello there darling! Didnt mean to scare ya! I'm Mitsuki! And you are?"

She let me go for a second to study my face, and I looked down saying my name. "Hello, Ms. I'm Ochako Uraraka."

Mitsuki looked at Bakugou and smiled, devilishly.

He frowned, "No. She fucking isn't. Mind your own business you old hag, and get the fuck off her. Your practically killing her!"

She rolled her eyes, and whispered in my ear and I turned red immediately.

With that she dropped her arms from around me and walked inside the house, while signalling me and him to join her inside.

Today was going to be fun.

I slowly walked inside, following Bakugou. Three floors it seemed.

He looked at me for a second, he rolled his eyes walking up the stairs which seemed to be right in front of the door.

When I stood there awkwardly, he turned around. "Are you fucking coming?"

I jumped for a second, and quickly followed him up the stairs. We walked into a bedroom, and he jumped on the bed, throwing his shoes off into the corner.

I stood there awkwardly for a few moments, while scanning his room.

It was fairly clean. Actually strangely very clean. I wouldn't have expected something like that.

"Pink cheeks, are you fucking going to stand there or?"

I looked over, and noticed how he moved over a tiny bit to allow room for me on his bed.

I slowly wandered over and sat down on the bed next to him. "Are you going to fucking talk?" He said, with a bit of strictness.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I am still a bit nervous." I grabbed my hair slightly and twirled it around my finger a bit.

He rolled his eyes, and laid back down, pulling his phone out and texting stuff on the screen.

I laid down next to him too.

The rest of the day would seem to be fine, I think...

I have ideas for the next chapter honestly. Sorry this was a bit boring, but soon enough I want to add angst to this. Just pull through the boring shit and soon there MIGHT be angst.

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