Chapter six

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Bakugou POV




I watched Uraraka run from the table, and honestly I was impressed she did that in front of everyone. I always thought she would try to sneak out, not make a scene. I nodded my head slightly, and then I got kicked from under the table.

"What the fuck, you extra?" I snapped, looking straight up at the culprit who hit my leg. Kirishima. I frowned, as he gave me a bigger look. "What?" I growled, shovling more food into my mouth.

He frowned. "Arent you going to go get her?" I raised an eyebrow, and stayed silent. Then I started to laugh, "Seriously? That's so fucking funny, no." I went back to being serious. I looked around the table and noticed everyone looking at me. They gave me a strange look like, 'Come-on' I was going to scream my head off at them, but I sighed. "Fine. You all fucking owe me. Dickwads." I muttered.

I stood up and slammed my food to Kaminari. He squeaked in happiness, which was very strange, but I didn't question the Dunce Face. That was up to everyone else, since I don't care about him. Well, I sorta do, but I wont say it.

I walked out of cafeteria, my hands in my pockets, while I thought of all the possible places Angel Face could have gone off to. Bathroom. Duh, that was the one place she had privacy. Not like I care anyways though.

I moved to the girls bathroom entrance and knocked.




Time skip, after class




I watched the stupid Floaty Shit run past me, I reached my hand out and pulled onto her shoulder, pulling her into me. She jumped when she realized it was me. "Why the fuck are you running, Angel Face?"

I pull her out of the sidewalk, so no one would see us talking. She smiled lightly, "N-no reason!" She stuttered, she was really bad at lying. "Stop lying. Now. You suck at it."

Uraraka rolled her eyes, "At least im not good at lying." She muttered, I raised an eyebrow and chuckled a bit, "Was that supposed to be an insult? Come on Floaty Bitch, you can do better."

Uraraka turned red and looked away, with a bit pout. I have to admit, it was cute. She was always cute though. "Okay then." She says, taking in a deep breath, then looking back over to me, "You are rude!" Immediately she brought her hands to her mouth, and started to apologize.

"And you are to fucking nice. Get a shell, and put it one. Not one of those fluffy princess one though, get a badass, kicking spike shell." I sat down, signaling for her to sit next to me. She nodded and sat down too.

"Now, why were you running?" I looked back over to her, I know I was being soft, but I cant be super violent around her. Its hard for me, not because I think she cant take it, but because I like her. I bet I could punch her in the face and she could take it.

"I just talked to Iida earlier." Uraraka started, but I ended her there, "Yeah, I now don't fucking care. Four eyes always has a stick up his ass, and cant remove it. Im unsure if he stuck it there, or his old preppy ass school did. But he really needs to fucking fish it out." I stood back up.

Uraraka slowly nodded and stood up too. "So, Bakugou, what are you doing later?" Uraraka asked, twiddling her fingers together. "Homework." I responded.

"Y-you do your homework?" Uraraka asked, her eyes wide. I nod, "Why you don't?"

"No, I thought you weren't the type to do it." Uraraka explained.

"My hag would kick my ass. I would kinda like to live another day. The hag becomes more violent then normal if I don't get good grades." I turned back to her.

"Oh." Uraraka said softly. "Speaking about my hag, any day she should be calling me, about dinner. I haven't seen her for over two months, with no contact. I don't care about talking to that old bitch, but she cares about me apparently." I frowned, turning on my phone expecting the, perfect timing scenario, but, didn't happen unfortunately.

"Why do you ask anyways, Round Face?" I turned off my phone, after getting nothing for a few seconds straight.

"I have a few things to ask.." Uraraka started, she twiddled her fingers once more.

"Can you fucking stop that, and get to the point?" I started to get annoyed, and I looked at her with slight anger. She nodded.

"First, why do you call me those nicknames. I understand Floatly. um, swear word, but what about Round Face, and Pink Cheeks?" She asked.

"Well, Round Face because you are chubby, and have big cheeks. Pink Cheeks because your cheeks are pink. I cant get any other good things, like Shitty Hair, Deku, Soy Sauce, Dunce Face, Raccoon, Four Eyes, anyone else really. Why, do you want to be called Dumb Bitch? Fatass? You choose a nickname, ill make it twice as worse and call you that." I looked at her with a slight smirk.

"I will stick with the nicknames you got." Uraraka responded softly. "OKay, since that is all, I need to go do my fucking work." I frowned.

"Would you like to work on it at my-" She was interrupted by my phone ringing. I turned it on and seen the old hags name. Damn, very late timing.

"Well then, bye Bakugou! Have a good day!" She waved me off, and walked back to the dorms. I frowned, knowing she still wasn't happy, and she had something she wanted to say but couldn't finish.

I looked back at my phone and pressed the answer button.


"Nice to fucking hear your voice too, bitch." I sighed.


"I have a fucking mother? Who is it? Not you for sure, grandma." I chuckled slightly.


"Good luck." I responded matter of factly. "Why the fuck did you call anyways?"

I was trying my hardest to not snap, and just hang up, but it was very hard. "You are coming over for dinner tomorrow. Great."

"I don't want to go." I growled.

"Why not?" She questioned, with poisen in her voice.

"Because Hag, I don't want to go. I have other people I would rather see."

"Then bring them over, if you don't, then, I get to mock you for the next year straight."

"Fine." I hung up on her.




1149 words.

Hey I am making a few books! If you want to know my selection now, this is what it is:

Uraraka X Bakugou

Reader X Todoroki

Reader X Shinsou

Elite Academy

This is what is getting worked on:

MHA Generation 2

Kaminari X Jirou

Monoma X Reader

Yeah that's what im working on, depending on when you read this, those books might already be out! So yeah, those are some more options if you would like to see them.

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