Part 3

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Y/n pov
It is 5:30 in the morning. I woke up earlier because I had to pack my stuff for London. When I finished packing I got ready for school today. Like every other day I went to school bye train and meet Nancy in the train and got coffee for us.
( 14:00 )
School finished and I didn't go back with the train. My parents picked me up at school so we could go to the airport. They brought my suitcase and my guitar. I am not the bast guitar player because I'm teaching it myself.
When we arrived at the airport I take my suitcase and guitar and walk to the check in.
Mom: I will miss you sweetie!
Dad: me too!
They said sad but excited for me.
Y/n: I will miss you to but I am so excited!
Dad/Mom: have fun.
They gave me a hug and I left.
It's time to go inside of the plane I take my handbag and enter the airplane. I sit down and listen to some music and realax.
( 1h and 10 minutes later )
My airplane has landed and I go out and pick up my suitcase and my guitar. I'm walking and searching for Blair. When I see him I walk to him and hug him.
Blair: Nice to meet you.
Y/n: Nice to meet you to.
Blair: I see you brought your guitar.
Y/n:Yes I did I'm not the best but yeah!
Blair: That's fine. Let's go to my car.
Y/n: Okey
I walk with Blair and talk about my flight and experience of singing.
When we arrive at the car he puts my suitcase and guitar in the trunk. You get in the car and he is about to drive when he gets a massage.
Blair: Y/n would you mind if we first would drive to the boys house? I mean roadtrip.
Y/n: No I don't mind!
Blair: thanks let's go.
And with that we drive to the boys house while Blair is driving I text my mom, dad and Nancy. (Picture)

After some time Blair says

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After some time Blair says.
Blair: We are here!
Y/n: Okey
I get out of the car and look at the house. It's beautiful.
I walk with Blair to the front door when he rings the bell.

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