Part 34:

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Rye pov:
I wake up and I am hugging Y/n. I look at the clock and it's 8 o'clock. I kiss Y/n neck and she wakes up.
R: Good morning
Y/n: Good morning
She says with her tiered voice
R: Babe we have to get ready.
Y/n: no can we please cuddle.
R: yes of course but just 5 minutes.
Y/n: Okey.
She puts her head on my chest and i pull her into a hug. After 5 minutes I say.
R: we have to get ready.
Y/n: Okey.
We stand up and Y/n takes a shower. After She finished showering I go into the bathroom and also take a shower.
After we both got ready. We went downstairs to have breakfast with the boys. We all got some food and talked about the concert and some other stuff. After everybody finish eating. We went upstairs and everybody got some stuff. After 20 minutes we all went downstairs and there's a car was waiting for us. The car drove us to the venu. There we got backstage and did some vocal warmups and some other last checks. Then we had 2 hours left till the shower starts. We went trough some lyrics and decided how we want to start and some other important stuff.

Yn pov:
After that I stated getting nervous. I trying to not show it.
A: Y/n are you okey
Y/n: ahh just a little bit nervous
A: Why ?
Y/n; it's my first big concert
A: you don't have to be nervous you are so talented
Y/n: Thanks
Me and Andy talk for some time then Rye and the boys told me that we have to get ready for the concert. We went next to the stage. And then we could go onto the stage. We all walked up. Everybody was screaming and clapping. I was so excited.
Rye: Hi guys
Andy: How are you ?
The fans where screaming.
Jack: Are you ready for our first song ?
They screamed yes
Then the music started playing and Andy started singing. The fans sang with him and it was amazing. Then it was my part to sing. I took a deap breath and start singing. Rye looked at me with a smile and I was so happy. We sang the song and then the crowd started screaming
Fans: Randy Randy Randy
Rye looked at me with a concerned look but I was still smiling. Then Rye and Andy got closer and kissed. I didn't really care because I knew that Rye loved me. But he seemed really concerned. We just continued singing and dancing. Then we sang the last song.
S: Good bye guys
J: We love you
We all said goodbye and went away from the stage. I saw that Rye wanted to talk to me but the security guys were saying that we have to go fast because the fans would block the street. So Rye couldn't talk to me. There were two cars. One that Me,Brook and Jack were in and in the other one Rye,Andy and Sonny. We were sitting and talking about the concert when I got a phone call from Rye.
Rye: I'm sorry...

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