Lucky Number 4

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Finn's POV

Can someone tell me how to fall out of love?

Can someone make these feelings go away?

I've tried but it's been three weeks since I came home and everything that went down with the therapist.Safe to say we fixed things and got closer than ever now, I know everything about them and they everything about me. Safe to say I'm not pregnant because it's been three weeks and I'm not showing any signs. But the only downer is that I've fallen for them completely. I can't fight it even if I tried anymore the thought of not being with them seemed impossible.

That's why I want to fall out of love.What is they mess up? What if they cheat?

I hate my mind.

"Finn we have a meeting to attend.Do you want to come ?" Dimitri asked walking into my room.

"Can't. Feeling a little under the weather, that ice cream went right through me. I hate being lactose intolerant," I mumbled and held my belly that was like an earthquake in action.

"We can cancel and take care of you."

"No no , it's okay go the meeting Alpha," I smiled and he walked over to me and kissed me before he left the room.That's the most sexual thing we ever did since I lost my v-card, kissing.

"Oh no," I mumbled and ran into the bathroom and puked up my breakfast.It's  strange I had the ice cream two days ago and I'm still puking up everything I eat.

Oh no.

Shit! Why didn't I think of this before?I got up and tossed on some clothes and texted the boys letting them know I'm going to doctors for some meds.


Malick's POV

"So what's going on with Finn?" I asked Dimitri as he entered the office.He left to check on Finn while our beta and a few pack guards waited in the office with me.

"Ice cream." He mumbled and I nodded . It goes right through him but he doesn't stop.I understand though,who can resist ice cream?

"Check your phone Finn just messaged us," he said and Finn had in fact messaged us saying he went to the doctor.We trust him now so we know he wouldn't  run off.

"Okay so what's going on?" I asked our beta Gray.

"Alphas the rogues who are destroying packs are getting closer  to here and other packs are looking to us for help. We may not be the largest but we are the richest and they are looking for a place to stay in our pack, the survivors and packs who are worried."

"Okay we'll let them come and we need to handle this rogue problem."


Finn's POV

"The doctor will see you now Luna," the nurse smiled and I nodded and headed into the office. I felt bad there were people there before me .

"Hello Luna what can I do for you today?" a male doctor around his late thirties said.For an old man he's kind of cute.Don't judge I'm a looker.

"I t-think I-I mi-might be pre-preg," I stuttered and tried to force the last word out but I just couldn't I was so scared.I wasn't ready for a kid, I'm a kid.Literally I still get up every morning to get down and do the hot dog dance .Don't Judge.

"Pregnant?" He smirked and raised an eye brow at me and I nodded looking down unconsciously rubbing my belly ."What makes you think that?"

"I've been having morning sickness which I first thought it was because I ate ice cream but it's been three days," I sighed.Please let this be a stomach bug.

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