• Chapter 1 •

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Sky Blue's PoV

I looked out the small window we had in the room. For the last ten years Snow White and I grew up in a cell in the North Tower, imprisoned. The small window gifted us the only light we had seen since we were children.

Snow started a fire while I stared out of the window. "Sky." She called me over. I went over and we passed me one of the two dolls we had made out of straw when we were first thrown in this cage. I held mine to my chest and closed my eyes. Snow did the same.

"Our father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen." Snow spoke. "Amen." I agreed.

Then I opened my eyes and smiled at my twin sister. "Happy birthday, Snow." I told her. I made it a priority to know what day is was. Even though it had been ten years, I still wanted to know. I used the sun and moon as a guide and managed to keep up to date.

Snow smiled back at me. "Happy birthday, Sky." She replied. It was our eighteenth birthday. We were officially grown up now. Then we heard faint noises coming from the hallway.

Snow and I both went to the door and looked out the barred window on it. It was two soldiers throwing a young woman into the cell across from ours. The soldiers left soon after and I decided to speak.

"Hello? What is your name?" I asked her. She went to her barred window and I could see her more clearly now. She had ginger hair and was pretty. "I am Greta." She answered. "What happened to you?" Snow and I questioned together.

"All the girls in our village were taken. I was trying to reach Duke Hammond's castle when I was caught." Greta answered. "Duke Hammond? Is he alive? Does he still fight in our father's name?" Snow questioned her.

"You're the King's daughters. The night the King died, we were told all in the castle were slain." Greta spoke but I couldn't pay attention to her words. "And William? Is the Duke's son still alive?" I questioned her. I needed to know he was all right. I missed him dearly.

"I don't know, Princess. What will they do to me?" Greta asked us. I didn't have an answer for that and neither did Snow. The truth is we didn't know.


The guards had taken Greta away and they just returned her. I just caught a glimpse of her as they threw her into the cell. "Greta?" I questioned once the guards had left. "Greta?" Snow questioned when Greta didn't speak or go to the window so we could see her. But she still didn't respond.


Snow and I sat on our beds in our cell like we did most of the time. There was really nothing else to do. That's when I noticed a magpie on one of the bars on the window. It was like it wanted to show us something. "Snow." I said and she looked up.

We both went over to the window and I looked outside. That's where I saw a loose nail. "What is it?" Snow questioned, not able to see what I was seeing. "A loose nail. I think I can get it. Move back." I answered and she complied and moved back.

I grabbed onto the nail and used all my strength to pull the nail out. After a few moments it came loose and I had the nail. I showed Snow and tried to hand it to her. "For protection." I told her. She shook her head. "You're better with weapons than I am." She replied, not taking it.

I mean it was true. And I'm not bragging, it's just a fact. I had been learning archery before everything had happened and I was the only one out of the two of us who had killed a man. That's when we heard footsteps approaching.

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