• Chapter 5 •

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Sky Blue's PoV

Eric, Snow and I were walking through a large wheat field. It reminded me of when I was younger and would run through them with Snow and William. We came out to a river. It was misty and there were rowboats there with people inside of them.

The rowboat closest to us had a person standing in it, an arrow drawn back and aimed at us. "Only demons or spirits pass through the Dark Forest. Which are you?" The person, a woman, asked us.

"We're fugitives from the Queen." Eric answered. "We mean you no harm." Snow and I spoke together. The woman must've believed us because she let us into her rowboat and then took us to her village.

As we neared the dock, we took in the sights of the village. There were women everywhere, some working, but most were looking at the returning rowboats. "Where are all the men?" Eric questioned. "Gone." The woman answered simply.

I noticed all the women and girls had a scar on each other their cheeks. I didn't think it made them look ugly. I thought they were beautiful, scar included.


Snow and I were on the dock, playing with a young girl named Lily. Her mother was the head woman on the rowboats and also the one that was currently treating Eric's injuries, whose name was Anna.

Lily was showing us her dolls. I picked one up and held it gently. "Maybe it needs a skirt or a dress or something?" Snow suggested. "Or a face?" I added in. Snow hit me with the back of her hand. "What? I was just saying." I defended myself.

"Your mother wants to see you." Eric told Lily as he approached. Lily stood up and I passed her her doll. Then she walked away, leaving us alone with Eric. He waited for a moment until she was out of hearing range before he turned to us.

"Why didn't you tell me? Because I'd think it was too difficult a task? You would be right." He told us. Snow was just looking at him so I spoke up. "Yeah, we thought you would leave us to die in the Dark Forest. Plus we didn't trust you." I answered.

"Yeah." He said, looking away from us. "We're sorry." Snow spoke up and we stood up. "And I did say 'didn't' as in past tense. We trust you now." I added on. He just stared at us before turning around and walking away.

Snow looked genuinely hurt and worried. "Hey, he'll come around. I'm sure it's just a shock to him." I tried to reassure my twin. I knew my twin and I knew she was getting close to Eric as well. I truly hoped that I was speaking the truth.


That night, Snow and I were laying in the bed she had made for us, which was right next to Lily's who she had just put to bed. "Our scars protect us. Without beauty, we are worthless to the Queen. It's a sacrifice we made so we could raise our children in peace while their fathers are at war." Anna explained, stroking Lily's hair.

"I think you are still beautiful." I spoke, honestly. She smiled softly at me. "Thank you, Dear One. But your sacrifice will come. But for now, you must rest." She told us and out out the candles. Snow and I fell into a deep sleep, exhausted from our recent adventures.


I woke up from the sound of an arrow hitting a post. I looked up and saw a flaming arrow had hit the inside of the cabin. Smoke filled the room and I could tell by the light outside, that more than just this cabin was on fire. Faint screaming was heard in the distance.

Snow rushed over to grab Lily as I grabbed my dagger. "Lily! Lily, come on! Come on!" Snow shouted and we all rushed out of the cabin. Outside was chaotic. People were running everywhere and every building in sight was in flames.

We crashed into Anna, who took her daughter into her arms. That's when a man on a horse noticed us and started running towards us. Then he fell off of his horse and I slowed as I looked back, confused. There was an arrow sticking out of him.

"Sky!" Snow shouted and I ran to catch up with her. A wall on fire fell down where I was just a couple seconds prior. I slowed again to look at the fire. I was lucky, it almost fell right on top of me.

Then I got distracted and came to a full stop. There was a young man standing on the other side of the fire. He obviously came with the attacking party, but he didn't seem to be trying to harm me. He had a bow and quiver, but didn't even move to grab one to shoot me.

In fact, it seemed to me as if he was the one who shot the man chasing us. Our eyes met and my breath caught in my throat. He was far away from me and across a flaming wall, but I could've sworn I recognized his eyes. That must've been why when I saw a man coming to attack him from behind I shouted. "Look out!" Then our trance was broken as he turned to fight the man.

"Sky!" Snow screamed and I saw her looking back at me desperately as she ran. I knew I had to catch up with her, so I ran as quickly as I could over to her. As I ran a soldier ran to me to attack. He swung at my head, but I ducked and slashed at his weak spot, which ended up slitting his throat.

Like the first time I killed someone, I didn't have time to think about what I had done, I just had to get to my twin. Then a soldier came out of no where and I slammed right into him.

I fell on my back and dropped my dagger. I looked up in fear as he raised his sword. Then his head fell off his body, blood spraying everyone. His body fell to the ground and behind him was Eric with a bloody axe.

He had left in the night, that I knew, but he came back for us and saved my life. He held out his hand for me. I grabbed my dagger with my right hand. "Thanks." I spoke and let him help me up with my left hand.

Then we ran to where my twin was. We got there just in time to see a soldier grab her before she could get into one of the rowboats.

The soldier hit Anna aside when she tried to rescue her. Then Eric threw his axe and it hit ten soldier in the back, making him fall and let go of Snow. "Come on! Let's go!" Eric shouted at the two of us, leaving his axe.

"No! We have to help them!" Snow argued. Anna stood up and spoke. "You will. Go. Go!" Anna motioned for us to go. That along with Eric grabbing her arm and shouting, "Come on!" was what convinced Snow to go.

Eric grabbed another one of his axes and held it as we ran to the river. We had to cross the it and it was hard since the highest point was above our heads, but somehow we managed to escape the burning village in the pitch black of night, the flames being our only light.

Sky Blue • Prince Williamحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن