• Chapter 6 •

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Sky Blue's PoV

The sun had risen and we were still going down the river. I was starting to get annoyed by the river because of how tired I was getting because of it. So to try and distract my mind, I thought of a happy memory I had of water.


Snow, William and I were playing hide and seek. William was the one seeking and Snow and I had hidden. Snow hid in a tree and I hid behind a large rock next to a large stream.

I could hear his footsteps coming closer and I held my breath, so that I didn't make any noise. I peeked out from behind the rock and saw that he was only a few feet away, but looking the other way.

Then he started walking away and out of my sight. I let out a breath of relief. And then. "Boo!" He came from the other side of the rock than I was peeking out of. I let out a surprised scream and tripped. I tripped backwards into the stream and got my dress all wet.

I sat in the flowing water as William stood there, laughing his ass off. I frowned at him and pouted. He stopped laughing after a minute and saw my face. "Oh, come on. You have to admit that was funny." He said and I just held my hand up for him to help me up.

He grabbed my hand to help me up, but instead, I pulled him down and he fell into the stream next to me. "I admit that was funny." I said while laughing. He was laughing too and splashed me.

"Oh, really?" I questioned, mischievously before starting the splash him back. That turned into a splashing war. We splashed each other over and over again, laughing. Then Snow ran over, seeing we had stopped playing hide and seek, and she joined the splashing.

"Get him!" I exclaimed and Snow and I ganged up on William. We ended up playing in the water for a while and it was one of the better moments in our friendships.

~Present Day~

We finally came to where we were leaving the water and coming onto land. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was very tired. We walked past a couple of trees and then collapsed in a small clearing next to a very large tree.

All three of us were panting, trying to catch our breaths. Eric had dropped his axe and was laying with his back against the beginning of a small hill. "I'm sorry." He spoke and Snow and I both looked over at him.

"I'm sorry." He said again, sitting up. "You're not." I argued. "I am." He said, looking between Snow and I. "You left us." Snow said, looking at the ground before she lifted her head to look at him. "We should never have been there."

She looked down again. "Hey, look at me." Eric said, placing his hand on the side of her neck and guiding her head up to look at him. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'll take you to Duke Hammond's, okay?" He said, looking between the both of us.

Then we moved his hand to the side of Snow's face. "All right? You have my word." He told us and after a moment, I nodded, showing we had forgiven him. Then, out of nowhere, we were attacked. Eric didn't have time to do anything before he was punched.

The attackers kept Snow and I back while they punched Eric out. I got my dagger out but one of the attackers hit it out of my hand before I could do a thing. Then they tied Snow, Eric, and I together and strung us upside down by one of the large branches on the tree.

That's when I got a good look at the attackers for the first time. They were dwarves and there were seven of them. One of them chuckled and said. "This is my lucky day."

"Oh, no. Dwarves." Eric spoke. "The hedge-pig I loathe most in the world lands right in our lap." One of them said. "Come on, Beith. Is this how you treat a friend?" Eric said.

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