• Chapter 7 •

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Sky Blue's PoV

I woke up to the sound of bird's squawking. I lifted my head and then sat up. The magpies were there and  they landed on a branch not far from where Snow and I were. I shook my sister awake. She looked up just in time to see two fairies mold out of the birds.

One of the fairies looked excited to see Snow White and I, but the other one looked shy. The excited one was waving the shy one over. The excited one grinned at me. I smiled at them and the shy one gave me a shy smile.

They both waved for us to follow them. Snow and I stood up and started following them. Bunnies, squirrels and more fairies stared at us as we walked, but I hardly noticed. I was so enchanted by the fairies we were following.

They led us down a path and through some trees to a clearing. There was a stream there and across the stream was the largest tree I had ever seen. But that's not what caught my attention the most.

In front of the tree was the most majestic white stag I had ever seen, not that I'd ever seen one before. Animals and fairies gathered around to watch as we approached the white stag.

We walked to the edge of the stream and just stared at it for a moment before we started crossing the stream. We approached it and then stood in front of it. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

I slowly raised my hand and placed it on its snout when it lifted its head down towards us. Then it bowed down to us.

3rd Person's PoV

The dwarves and the Huntsman stood and watched Sky Blue and Snow White face the White Hart. "The White Hart bows before the Princesses, Father." Beith told Muir. "He's blessing them." Muir told them.

"What are you talking about?" The Huntsman questioned. "You have eyes, Huntsman, but you do not see. You, who have been with them the longest. They are life itself. They will heal the land. They are the ones." Muir spoke.

They watched as Sky Blue pet the White Hart's neck, smiling softly. Snow White just stared at it in awe. "Can't you feel it? Are your ailments not gone? Gold or no gold, where they lead, I follow." Muir told them. "Aye." "I'm with you." "Yes, Father." Were the dwarves responses.

The Huntsman nodded slightly as he stared at the young women. For the first time, he really saw them. The life they brought and the innocence they held. Even with Sky Blue's fighting training and her sarcastic remarks, she was still a light in the world and had an innocence to her.

The Huntsman watched Snow White as she stared at the White Hart. Her expression was one of wonder and awe and held an innocence that he had only seen in one other person: her twin.

Sky Blue's PoV

I smiled at the white stag and the look in its eyes showed its reply. It held a kindness and wisdom that seemed supernatural. Then it's expression turned into one of shock and pain as an arrow was shot into its side.

My eyes widened in shock as I heard Gus shout. "Ambush!" I turned around and for the first time I noticed that the dwarves and Eric were standing there. They ran forward as Beith shouted. "Aim low! Aim low!"

Eric ran to us and pulled us back. We ran over and past where the dwarves were. Gus ran with us while Beith shouted orders at the rest of the dwarves. I didn't have my dagger with me and I was upset at myself for not remembering to grab it.

As if Eric had read my mind, he passed me my dagger as we ran. We ran past trees and rocks, needing to get away from the ambushing party. I felt a little bit better now that I had a weapon to defend myself with.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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