Chapter 047: Planet Rennes

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Chapter 047: Planet Rennes

What's going on?

After Marshal had asked that question, it did not only affect Caesar who instantly became as stiff as a corpse where he stood, but also Lin Yuan who had a sudden chill go down his spine!

   — We're so screwed, the mark was unexpectedly discovered by the Marshal!

The teeth indents situated on the nape of his neck was the mark left by Caesar in order to suppress the fluctuation of the pheromones in his body when he was facing the onset of estrus a few days ago. From a distance, it may have not been clear enough, but in such close proximity, it would be unmistakably clear!

  In the past few days, Lin Yuan has been continuously covering up the mark by wearing high-collared clothes and as well as pasting bio-adhesives onto the marked area. This kind of medical adhesive plaster looks transparent and will slowly adjust to the appearance of the surrounding the skin after being pasted to the area of the wound. It completely conceals any mark.

  He got out of bed late today and he took both a shower and a bath before going out. Because he was too excited to see the mysterious master, Lin Yuan was careless for a moment and had forgotten it.

As a result, it was discovered by the Marshal on the spot......

Lin Yuan stiffly stood in place, he didn't know what to do.

—Has his identity of an Omega been exposed to the Marshal?

—As the highest commander in the military, in the face of such an Omega that is blatantly violating the military regulations, will he go outside the law to show him a bit of favor by not judging him too harshly?

Lin Yuan apprehensively opened his mouth to speak: "Marshal, I......"

"I left this mark." Caesar softly said, cutting off Lin Yuan's words. He stepped forward and reached out his hand to grasp Lin Yuan's shoulder, he defended Lin Yuan without batting an eyelid and calmly greeted Rosen's gaze and said, "Marshal, since you found out, I am forced to also tell you the truth. Lin Yuan really is an Omega. He had been injecting inhibitors for years, but because of the inhibitor failing on the day before the competition, I temporarily marked him in order to suppress the pheromones in his body."

Lin Yuan: "......"

Caesar said it so directly, it makes Lin Yuan hang his head even more uneasily.

  Rosen looked at the boy with head drooping down and his fingers clenched, he couldn't help but feel a slight ache from the depths of his heart —

This child is actually an Omega? How did he escape registering under the Omega Association? How did he covertly study at the St. Romia Military Academy? There has been a previous instance such as Ling Yu who was punished, is he so fearless about being discovered by someone that he doesn't see living as good as being dead?

Rosen frowned slightly, looking at Lin Yuan with deep gaze he said: "Lin Yuan since you are an Omega, why did you still attend the military academy's entrance exam? Don't you know how severe the consequences of joining the military as an Omega are?!"

Hearing the Marshal questioning him with such a stern voice, Lin Yuan's complexion abruptly flashed white.

Caesar hurriedly comforted him by tightening his grip on Lin Yuan's shoulder and looked up at Rosen as he said: "Marshal, you mustn't blame him for this matter, he has also just barely become aware of the truth. Through these past years, he had always thought that he was a Beta......" Caesar took a moment to pause, "Lin Yuan is an orphan left behind on a battlefield. He was not registered with the Omega Association when he was born. Later, he was raised as a Beta by his foster parent......"

ABO Cadets (c33+) (軍校生/在学生) by: 蝶之灵 (Chinese BL Translation)Where stories live. Discover now