Chapter 078. Reunited

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Chapter 078. Reunited

Lin Yuan woke up with a start from his dreams fairly early in the morning. The strong anxiety that suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart made him distraught with anxiety.

The scene in the dream seemed to hint at something very bad. He dreamed about his dad leaving him and at this very moment, his father is leading troops out into a battle... This kind of bad dream makes Lin Yuan's heart feel very unwell. He takes in a deep breath and wipes the cold sweat off his forehead before sitting up in his bed. Lin Yuan took out his communicator and sent a message to Rosen—

"Father, is this campaign still going well? I am awaiting your safe and sound return."

Like throwing a stone into the ocean and watching as it sinks down, there is no reply.

—He is probably busy at the moment and doesn't have time to take notice of it? Perhaps he will reply after seeing it tomorrow.

After comforting himself like this, he lies back down on the bed and covers himself with the quilt, Lin Yuan still doesn't feel the slightest bit tired.

This night, for Lin Yuan, time seems to have stretched on for ages......


For some people on the Capital Star, this night has become particularly unendurable.

Inside the Military Department's secret meeting room, several officers were sitting there with grave expressions waiting for something. Finally, the spherical communicator in the middle of the table sent out a beam of light, indicating that it had received a message. The highest-ranked ciphertext was passed through the cosmic space stations from multiple galaxies. It smoothly transmitted to this communicator at last.

In front of the virtual screen, a string of strange golden characters gradually appeared. The complex ciphertext characters slowly drifted through the air like a golden chain. It wasn't until a moment later that the passwords were deciphered by specialized software and the ciphertext finally became writing that they could read and understand—

"An unknown military force appeared on Naomi Star and suddenly launched an attack against the Federation's Legions. The Federation's Military Base on Naomi Star was seized. The Greedy Wolf Legion and the Falcon Legion urgently retreated. The Glory Legion entered and garrisoned Naomi Star and Rosen piloted Black Dragon into the Isville Cosmic Wormhole, whereabouts are unknown. The mysterious forces on Naomi Star also disappeared immediately after the Glory Legion entered and garrisoned. It is beyond my capabilities to investigate— K. "

The K letter at the end represents the identity of the person who sent the message, this paragraph of text briefly gave an account of today's battlefield situation.

After a moment of silence, the officer sitting in the first seat displeasedly pursed his brows and coldly said: "They're indeed a pile of useless trash!"

A person to the side said in a serious tone: "The cooperation with the Federation's Legions had very big risks from the start. However, this time we practically spoon-fed the Glory Legion directly up to their mouths. They were unable to seize such a good opportunity. They are really too disappointing— what exactly was Vladimir doing in the end? The place where he was stationed concealed a mysterious force and he was seriously not in the least aware of it?"

Another person thoughtfully said: "I am actually quite interested in that mysterious force. Unexpectedly in that critical moment, they emerged to secretly assist Rosen. Who could it possibly be? Could they have something to do with the Empire?"

The man sitting in the first seat bitterly smiled and said: "No matter who they are, any stumbling blocks that get in the way always have to be entirely disposed of to be sure."

ABO Cadets (c33+) (軍校生/在学生) by: 蝶之灵 (Chinese BL Translation)Where stories live. Discover now