Chapter 073. Wilderness Group Training

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Chapter 073. Wilderness Training

    At this moment, Caesar heard White Feather's voice ring in his mind through the mech's mental communication.

  "Master, master, is it really okay for us to cheat like this?"

   Caesar's facial expression is relaxed, pretending that he couldn't hear.

The possibility of drawing Lin Yuan's No. 49 out of the many student ID numbers is naturally not a simple coincidence.

    Caesar reached into the paper box with his right hand, donning his mech space button. White Feather is an S-Class mech, it can still maintain mental communication with its master at all times. Caesar had it do the briefest possible full-scan of the inside of the box to find Lin Yuan's student number. White Feather excitedly completed its task and immediately personally delivered the slip of paper with Lin Yuan's student ID number to Caesar's hand.

   As a result, his classmates just saw Caesar stick his hand in and casually draw out his teammate, and to one's surprise, "fortuitously" drew out Lin Yuan.

Baker who was standing beside him couldn't hold himself back from saying: "Boss, you and Caesar are truly brought together by fate, ah. Even this can be chosen!"

    Caesar turned his head and amicably smiled at Lin Yuan.

    Lin Yuan, however, could only force a bitter smile from the bottom of his heart.

   He would rather be teamed up with any one of the other 48 students in his class, he didn't want to team up with Caesar by himself!


    Wilderness survival group training is a traditional event of the St. Romia Military Academy. It is usually chosen to be carried out on the weekend after the completion of the theoretical class. For two days, the students will be in teams of two and traverse through the large Köln Forest on foot.

  This kind of training method is a compulsory course for military school students of the ancient earth era. Although mech combats make up for the greater portion of battles, mastering survival techniques out in the wilderness is an essential attribute for a soldier. Just in case you come across your mech being destroyed, the power source depleted, or other such situations, if you want to make it out alive without any troubles, you can only depend on your own human strength.

    The size of the Köln Forest is quite large. Looking out from a high point of view, this area is a very long and narrow jungle that spans approximately tens of thousands of kilometers. Its diameter all the way around is only over one hundred kilometers. For cadets who are really physically fit, if it was just a simple long-distance run, they would only need a single day's time to finish the distance of over 100 kilometers, but the terrain in the forest is complicated and there are even various kinds of snakes that roam about hidden to human eyes. There will certainly be countless twists and turns along the side of the road, so the instructors gave them two day's time. Without much extra effort put in, they will be having everyone learn through exposure by having them experience staying overnight in the forest.

   Knox gave each person a miniature communicator, as well as some essential items for survival in the wilderness.

There were no guns handed out within the items, a long and sharp military knife has become the main weapon for survival in the forest, and there is a compressed tent parcel for use in camping out during nighttime— this can be considered to be a kind of new experience. In this current era, all mechs have resting rooms, something like a tent has mostly become forgotten by the people. Obviously, this training completely disregards the existence of mechs, forcing the students to return to the oldest era and use the human race's power in it of itself to strive for survival.

ABO Cadets (c33+) (軍校生/在学生) by: 蝶之灵 (Chinese BL Translation)Where stories live. Discover now