Wish Box

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Ever wondered what a wish box do? Well today I picked one up and thought it was silly But it's a very pretty box so I can just put it as a decoration but I gave it a chance, I opened the lid and whispered "I wish I was in my living room" I lived with my mom but she's always out for work, and with that I was transported to the that room I was in shock was I dreaming? All my fantasies came true so I decided to wish for something I really want "I wish I had a diaper on, and my mom thinks it's okay" I wished it and my panties shifted into a diaper, it's so soft, "I wish my mom was my caretaker and she can be the only one to change me" so it happened, "I wish this box will only listen to me" my mom knocked on the door "hai baby! Did you make messy in your diaper while I was gone hmm?" She asked I shook my head no, But she checked my diaper anyways, she smiled "good girl" I giggled "good news baby, I've been switched to online working" she said I cheered! Yes I really like this idea "we must buy baby stuff for you hmm?" She asked I nodded in excitement, I changed myself into some short skirt and t shirt and I wished once again "I hope people think I'm cute in whatever I do" I smiled and put the box in my small bag, my mom was waiting downstairs and I went to her, we drove away, we were in the shop and people were cooing at me, I smiled and then a urge hit me, to pee, I was going to ask for the bathroom but I realize I was in a diaper, it was hard to let it out so I tried to relax I told my mom "mommy my pee pee won't come out" she smiled and rubbed my tummy "don't worry baby it will" I tried my Best, we finally reached the baby aisle I decided to squat down and finally the flood gates open hearing a pissing sound, my mom looked at me and smiled, "looks like you did it baby as always" I blushed as my pee continued, after peeing I stood up feeling my sagging diaper, it was exposed, my mom chose some adult diapers, I wasn't into pacifiers or anything but I liked onesies, so she bought me some of those too.

After that we went to the check out and the cashier looked at me "oh my, looks like your baby have peed a lot" I blushed and hid behind my mom, she giggled "looks like she did but it's fine" we went to a restaurant and decided to eat, "aww what can I get for this cute little baby and for its mother?" The waiter said "I want carbonara please" my mom took the same and we ate happily, when we got done we went to the store again to buy stuff, I peed 2 times now the second one not telling my mom, when we were finally done, I wanted to pee some more so I just told my mom about it and I squatted down in the parking lot, but as I was peeing it leaked I was shocked "oh baby it's fine" I sighed but continued to pee anyways, after that my mom changed me at the back of the car, I blushed at that cuz people were watching but ignored, we got home and I brushed my teeth and decided to sleep.

In the middle of the night I had the urge to poop, so I decided to go to the bathroom but realized I had a diaper on, so I squatted on my bed and make the poop go out but it didn't I squeezed my tummy but I couldn't so I grabbed my wish box "I wish my poop was soft when I give this one last big push" and with that I made a big push groaning, and soft poop came out easily and I put my butt in the air while my body is on the bed, I made more logs of poop, very unexpectedly, I made huge poo poos, I pushed one last time and I was finally done, it was brown and big and I pissed and went back to sleep.

The next morning I went downstairs to eat breakfast when my mom stopped me and checked my diaper "oh baby what did you eat!" I stopped "sowwi mommy!" I said with tears, she shushed me and told me it was okay, she was going to change me so I had a naughty plan "I wish once my mom open my diaper I will have another pee pee and poo poo accident" so when she did open my diaper pee started to go out I couldn't control it! "Sorry mommy!" Once I stopped poo poo came out.. 2 logs of soft poop "mommy I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it in.." she sighed "don't worry baby it's fun" and she changed me into a new fresh diaper.

The end!

- thank you for reading that first short story! Hope you liked it! -

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