Diaper school

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I didn't know there was a school for people who likes diapers to be honest, until I saw this school online, I'm already 18 and don't live with my parents anymore, but this school is for free, I work in a cafe to earn money, but I want to try this school out (for obvious reasons) so I did and I instantly got in apparently there are a lot of choices, (other kinks) but I chose to be diapered, after that I went to that school to get all the things straight "here's your forms, your section and you're ready to get into school next week! Have fun!" And with that it was all done, I was in a diaper, I wanted to try one, I never really tried one because I was scared about my parents, I decided to eat Taco Bell and some big soda drinks and went to the park, I'm wearing my pencil skirt so no one will notice, I sat on the soft grass, and waited, but of course I didn't forget to video it, I wanted to do like all those other people on MeTube, then the urge hit me like a rock and I wanted to poop so bad, good thing most of the people are not here anymore, so I went behind a tree but nothing happened sadly, being potty trained is hard, so I decided to just go home and maybe that environment will help me out, as I was walking home, I felt my stomach feel worst but nothing is coming out of me, but I started to pee while walking, to be honest I don't care what people think so I kept walking once I reached my
Home I opened the door set my phone and I kneeled on the sofa, not showing my face and started to take a shit, I tried to push it out making moaning noises, to make it interesting, but I really needed to moan tbh, because I couldn't but once I did the put bulge at the back of my diaper, it felt warm as mushy that I wanted to sit on it, but I kept pushing "hrggg" and with that there was a big log, and then a long piss, and then I went over to my phone and showed my full diaper and sat on my phone and then after that I picked my phone up and pressed stop, I sat on my full diaper for a while and moved it around, it felt nice but I needed a change soon, in which I did after when I couldn't help myself.

After 5 days of diapering I finally lost half of my potty training which was weird but I could still feel it when I need to go, so I decided to hold it in for 2 days which is before school so that, I can regain it, I don't want to loose it really.

So I didn't poopy for 2 days I ate a lot but I of course peed.

I went to school cuz why not, I'm diapered and I'm in a short skirt, I was picked up by the bus of that school and people are wearing diapers and some are just wearing a skirt no undies and some are just wearing undies and skirts, this is a all girls school? Probably to prevent rape.. but anyways, I went into that school and I saw that chairs have holes in the middle like a toilet but it's comfortable like it's not there, the urge to poop Came as soon as I sat down but I didn't want to empty my bowels just yet, So they have rules around here:

1. No using of toilet.
2. You can go whenever you want, but only gets changed at 9am, 12nn and 3pm.
3. You can't eat outside of school within school hours
4. No disrespecting others
5. Have a nice time!

Once I've read the rules, school started and the teacher also have diapers, cool! After all the boring classes we had lunch, I soaked my diaper so I changed like at 9am so yeah, i decided it was time to make poopy so I went to the library and went through the halls , it says "you stinker!" In a poster which made me giggle, I looked around and I saw a spot, I was going to make a video on this one as well, so I chose the library but I challenge myself to keep quiet, no one was around so I was all alone, I put my phone under my diaper and got ready, my poop was very soft, and big, it was like an endless supply of soft poop, I didn't even have to push as much, but I did for the camera, and it went on, until it was brown, I peed and stuff and continue to poop, I wanted to remove my diaper to see but I guess I'll see it later, my brown diaper sagged and I walked through the books, I wanted to pee again so I stood and made a pee, which leaked on the with a little poop coming out, I wiped my legs with a towel and went off to the nurse office, to get changed

While waiting I posted the video, my videos are getting tons of views so that's fun, after that I got a clean diaper and went off to my classroom, I was the first on there along with one of my classmates and a teacher, she seemed to be holding in something according to her facial expression but I shrugged it off, but after a while she squatted and started taking a shit I was intrigued but the people around didn't care at all it looked like it was going to leak which it did but again the people didn't care, she sat on her chair relived herself, and by the looks of it it leaked, she put up her skirt so her skirt wasn't a problem, she excused herself but when she came back she still got a messy diaper on with clean legs, probably she just wiped it off or something but either way I was still amazed that they can do that, it smelt bad but really it's not new.

_sorry for the long chapter_

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