Age play

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This time it's a baby boy! Tee hee~ enjoy!

"Momaa!!" Cole called "hmm?" I looked at him, "change me mommy pwease?" I smiled and nod "oki baby, I'll just clean up the dishes, can you be a good boy and sit on the bed upstairs?" He smiled and rushed upstairs.

I finished the dishes and went to the room, I saw him laying down on the changing table "hi baby" I grabbed his changing stuff and a paci, (just in case of discomfort) I put it in between his lips, I opened up his diaper, wiped his crotch and bum, I looked for a fresh diaper but I didn't see any, I forgot to buy one this week, I sighed and saw the pull ups, that were quite thin but can hold enough hopefully "baby we'll have to go out today" I say as I slip up a pull up on him "why puw up mama! I want floof! Me might leak!" He asked looking worried with his sparkling eyes "you ran out of diapers love, that's all we have for now" he looked quite sad but agreed on going with me.

We arrived at the mall and we went to the mall to grabbed some food, he ordered some chicken nuggets while I just ordered a burger to eat, he was holding a drink, with orange juice.

While we were walking at the grocery store I heard his tummy rumble, and he held it "are you okay baba?" I asked, he nodded "mhmm, jus wan bottle!" He said, I smiled "later baby, when we watch the movie" he pout but I kissed his cute lips "did my baby make a pee pee in his pull up hm?" I asked him, he blushed but he denied it, I picked him up to check and obviously he made an accident "my baba lied to me?" I looked at him fake shock "no diapers for you then" I said, he looked at me almost about to cry "mamaaa!!" I chuckled and kissed his lips "im just kidding, I don't want a stinky boy" he giggled, I set him to make him pick whatever design he wants and a snack for the movie.

After buying our things, we went to the package counter to set our things down, I grabbed only our food for the movies, we bought tickets and went in.

While watching the movie I gave him his bottle, since no one would notice since we chose the corner part, we watched something quite scary, which made my baby hold on to me, I held him closer to me.

We were eating while still continuing to watch the movie, he kept shifting around, I heard little farts but I didn't further question him, he kept moving around, but we both just continue to eat.

Nearly the end of the movie I heard him grunting but again I didn't mind him at all so he'll not be embarrassed about it.

the movie was almost ending but my baby was crying softly, "baby what's wrong?" I asked, "mama I made accident and I leaked!" He cried but not too loud, I kissed his forehead "which accident love?" I asked "bowt!" I picked up our things and I brought him the the handicapped bathroom, "em sowwi mommy" he looked down, I looked at his now stained shorts "all I have in my bag are overalls" I told him "it's owight" I kissed him again on the forehead to reassure him that's it's okay, he's shorts were leaking and his pull up was bulging, I set him down on the changing table, I removed his shorts slowly, I gave him his paci (again for discomfort) I grabbed some wipes and slowly but surely wipes his thighs, he whined softly hating the mess, "shh baby it's okay, accidents happen" I smiled and looked at him, he nodded while I removed his pull up, I wiped his dirty area and bum, I cleaned him well, as much as possible all areas, I put the pull up in a plastic and threw it in the trash, I opened a new diaper and slipped it under him, I put rash cream around his area, some powder and I closed it up, kissed his little nappy and put him in overalls "cutie" I smiled he gave me a big hug "you the bwestest!" I chuckle "it's my duty to change you love"

We continued on, he really didn't care if people saw his bulged diaper, all he cared about was being nice and clean with his favorite nappy on which I found cute that he felt confident.

We head home as per usual, he had another wee accident and I changed him again and went to bed.

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