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Ophelia's Point of view:

I'm gonna die. The feeling in the pit of my stomach is sickening. My mom's funeral was a month ago. I grew up with my step dad and my mother since I was two. I have an older brother his name is Landyn. I'm Ophelia Reign by the way... I'm 14. My brother said once he's 18 he'll apply for custody of me. My dad, well step dad Harry, Landyn and I are all devastated I have to leave. I don't even know who this dude is. My so called "father" could be an axe murder for all I know, and now he's finally stepping up to the plate of being a father? I just want to stay with my actual family. With my step dad and brother. I leave now. I'm supposed to be boarding this plane as we speak. God help me.

"Oph, I promise everything will be alright baby. Your dad said that we could figure out arrangements to get custody of your for a week every month. He seems like he really does have your best interest in mind baby. I love you and I promise it won't be long before you're back with us for a little while. I love you baby girl."

"Daddy please don't let this stranger take me. I've gone through enough. I just want to stay with you and bubba."

"Ophelia like dad told you, you'll be back in no time. He promised us you could come over whenever you felt like it and you could stay for a couple of days and if dad was okay with it that they could come up with a custody plan."

"I don't want to go please don't make me!!"

"Shh baby, I know we don't want you to either. We love you Oph, It'll be alright." After daddy, well Harry or dad be cause I guess this other dude will be daddy soon, the plane was about to take off. We hugged and like that, I was out of Alabama going to North Carolina. I arrive and I get out and see this man, he looks about 39-40 years old and he is waving me over. He looks pretty familiar so I decided to walk over there to him.

"Hey Oph, you ready to go?"
"DON'T call me that, and I guess so."

Brendyn's Point of view:

I decided to leave her alone after that little outburst about calling her Oph. I know she's going through a lot, her mother died and she's being taken away from her family she's come to know and love, but that still doesn't mean she can catch an attitude with me and talk to me like that and what not.

"Ophelia, I don't know about you but I'm hungry. Where do you want to go eat?"

"Can we go to Chick-fil-a?"

"Sure baby. When we get home I'll help you unpack then I'll have to go over some stuff with you."

"Yes sir. (In the south we say sir and ma'am it's just respectful.) Please don't take it to heart if I call you Brendyn for a little while. I don't want to come off disrespectful, but it's gonna take me a while to warm up to you as my dad."

"It's okay, I don't expect you to come here and automatically call me dad, but I'm good with it whatever until you are ready to call me dad." Hopefully it won't take her too long to warm up to me. We're leaving Chick-fil-a and I'm ready to get home. We arrive and she gets out and grabs what she can get while I get the rest. I lead her to her room, and help her unpack her stuff.

"So I wanted to go over the rules with you. Rule 1) don't go past the fence of the farm, there's stuff out there that could really harm you. Rule 2) if you leave let me know. If I'm not home, leave me a note or send me a text. I have a phone for you in my room and once you're unpacked I'll give it to you. I'll be setting it up while you finish unpacking in here. Rule 3) don't talk back and listen to your elders. Rule 4) please do as you're told and help me out. Rule 5) no drinking, smoking, cussing, or anything within harming yourself. You are prefect and there is no point in hurting yourself.

"Yes sir. Thank you for everything although I was disrespectful when I got off the plane. If you want to call me Oph that's fine. I'm used to being called that anyways. I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay baby. Just next time you catch an attitude or break any of these rules then you'll have consequences to deal with and I'm sure you won't like them. I know it's a little early but I already love you and I just want what's best for you." And with that it's already 10:00. I decided that 10 is probably a good bed time.

"Oph it's already 10:00 and I've decided that a pretty decent bed time. So I think you need to get ready for bed cause we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Good night I love you."

"Good night I'll see you in the morning." And like that I was out the door getting ready for bed myself. I hope tomorrow is gonna be a good day and everything goes smooth.

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