What kind of place is this?

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Ophelia's POV:
I wake up in a dark room no where like the one me and daddy fell asleep in. I look around and it looks very modern but kind of older at the same time.
"Daddy!" no response. "DADDY!" I scream a little louder. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I just prayed it was Daddy. The door creaked as it opened and it revealed an elderly couple that reminded me of Daddy, so I assumed it was his parents.

"Hi sweetheart I'm your Daddy's dad and my name is Eli, and that's his mom Jaqueline. He went to the store to get I think Mac and cheese cause he said it was your favorite but he should be home in a few minutes."

"Oh okay." They walk out of the room and I go to fix my hair since it's fallen halfway out of the ponytail I was wearing. I touch up my makeup and get on my phone and I notice I have a message from Daddy. It says:
"Hey babygirl, I went to the store but I'm stuck in traffic I should be home in about an hour. I love you be good for Nana and G."

"Yes sir. I love you too. Try and hurry though I'm hungry. 🤪" and I send the message. I'm too nervous to head downstairs cause I don't know these people but I also don't want to be rude. I decide I'll stay in here for a little while. I play some games on my phone and I get on the App Store to download a new game and it's got a parent restriction code. I thought "Does he not trust me enough to download games on my own phone without a dang restriction code?!" About that time someone walks into the room and needless to say it was Daddy.

"Why do you have a restriction code on my phone?"

"You mean MY phone?"

"Uhh the last time I recalled you gave it to me and said it was mine! It's not fair you just waltz all up in here and act all cocky about MY PHONE and say it's yours. Now damn it take the restriction code off!"

"Listen here little girl, and listen good. This is MY phone. I pay the bill on this phone therefore it's mine. I don't have to explain myself to you but I will. The reason I have a restriction code on there isn't because I don't trust you. If you wouldn't have caught an attitude with me then I might have went into settings to change it to where you could get apps-"

"But daddy!"

"Little girl don't you interrupt me again. Since you caught an attitude it proves to me you're not as grown up as you think you are so now you'll just have to ask me every time you get an app until I feel like fixing that restriction code. You're lucky I'm not taking your phone away."

"Daddy please! I'm sorry I didn't mean to!"

"End of discussion Ophelia Reign. You heard what I said. I think Nana's done cookin' so let's eat and we will have to leave after since you have school tomorrow."

Brendyn's POV:

I feel bad I was so stern with that little one. I haven't had a good day cause I was stuck in traffic I met my ex wife again today at the store, the mother of my son which is in Boston with his friends camping.... how fun that will when we introduce him to Oph. I walk down stairs to see my baby sulking about that app on her phone.

"Baby, please quit sulking. I'll get the app for you when we get home and we will talk about changing the settings. Okay?"

"Yes sir."

I feel awful, but I go and help mom set the table.

*Fast forward to when Ophelia and Brendyn get home*

We walk inside.. well I walk inside while carrying my sleeping beauty. Yes she fell asleep in the truck. We tried to talk things over in the truck but it resulted in her lashing out cause she thought I didn't trust her which pissed me off so I yelled at her and she cried herself to sleep. It was a two hour drive so I imagine it was quite exhausting for her. I lay her down in my room and grab my laptop to answer some work emails. I'm a farmer and a school teacher and I happen to be Ophelia's teacher and she still doesn't know that either. I look at the clock and see that it's 4 o'clock and I decide I better wake her up or else she probably won't get any sleep tonight.

"Ophelia." I say as I try and shake her awake. The sleeping angel woke up and I sat her in my lap.

"Hey baby, I gotta talk to you. I'm sorry I yelled at you in the car, but you aren't allowed to lash out just because you don't get your way. That is extremely disrespectful. So I've decided that you're grounded from your phone for the rest of the night and tomorrow until after school."

"Yes sir I'm sorry I won't do it again I shouldn't have acted like a brat."

I stood her up and smacked her on the butt 3 times, not hard but stern enough to get her attention and shock her, but to my surprise she did something I didn't expect her to do.... she broke down in sobs.

"I'm so sorry Daddy.  I'm such a disappointment and I screw up everything!"

I smack her butt 3 more times but harder. I pull her in between my knees and grip her sternly but not hard. (If that makes any sense)

"Ophelia Reign, I'm not going to sit here and listen to you insult yourself, that's why I popped you. You're not a brat, you don't screw anything up and you most certainly are NOT a disappointment. If I EVER here you talk down on yourself like that again I will spank you with your hairbrush in there. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." She sniffled. My poor baby.

"Calm down sweet pea you're alright." I pull her into my lap and she shoves her face into my neck. I hated ever second of that a minute ago it broke me. I didn't know I was crying too until a tear fell on my shirt. I'm a wreck.

"Baby I wasn't going to tell you but I'm your school teacher this year. You can still call me Daddy or you can call me Mr. Lakesley, but let me know if any kids are ugly."

"Yes sir. I'm so sorry Daddy, I really am."

"Hush pumpkin', you're gonna make yourself sick. All is forgiven, it's done and over with."

She looks so exausted :( I cant let her fall back asleep.

"Baby don't fall back asleep, you have to get some sleep tonight, when you get your phone back after school tomorrow I'll change the settings on your phone, deal?"


Ophelia's POV:

I'm so tired and I'm starting to ask myself... what kind of place is this? The world can be cruel but with my daddy, dad and Landyn I think I might manage to get through.


Don't be a silent reader! Comment what you thought of this chapter and what you want more of! For those of you that didn't/don't like the "spanking" part, I didn't plan for this book to have that in it and I do not plan for this to be a "spanking story" but I felt like it was necessary to put it in. I also apologize about the language in the story but I felt it was necessary and it went with the chapter. Thanks so much for reading! Let me know what you want the next few chapters to have... or give me a prompt cause I think I'm going trough writers block. Love y'all! Xoxo Sky 🌌

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