Older sibiling?

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Bennett's POV:
Oph fell asleep on my lap and she wasn't waking up so Dad and I decided that we were gonna just let her sleep since she had her first day of school tomorrow and Dad's her teacher. I feel for her. It's not all what it's caught up to be. Just don't let Dad know I think that way. I'm getting her an outfit together that she can wear since she didn't get to stay up and pick it and I think it's really cute and appropriate. Dad approved and honestly I really think I've got some taste. On a positive note as well, Dad and I don't have to worry about her not wearing something inappropriate tomorrow.

(outfit below) ⬇️

(with brown women's ariat fat baby's instead of the sandals)

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(with brown women's ariat fat baby's instead of the sandals)

Brendyn's POV:
Time to go wake my little rancher girl up. Our school here in North Carolina doesn't start until 9:45. It's 6:40 so I'm gonna get O up so she can shower and do her girly morning routine, eat and do her morning chores on the farm before we leave. Bennett left her an outfit out and it's actually cute and girly and shows off Oph's personality without the crop tops and booty shorts. Lord that child's gonna be the death of me. He also got her bag together with her laptop, laptop charger, and her folders. We don't use binders cause 3 prong holders work just as well but don't take up as much space in the kids bags. I walk in her room and this sweet baby looks like a hot mess, but a cute hot mess. Her hair is stuck to her face, slobber covering her pillow, kind of nasty, but she makes it look adorable. Here goes nothing at waking her up.

"O, baby, you've got to get up and get ready for school hunny bunny. Bennie has started breakfast, I've got to leave so I can get the classroom ready. Go get a shower, start getting ready and get your chores done. I need you to herd the cows and lead them through the gate. Feed Hammy, don't forget to close the gate behind you. Bennett layed your clothes out in the bathroom, he will take you to school since he just got a job as a History teacher. Hurry up."

"Yes sir. Love you Daddy"

She kisses me on the cheek and goes into the bathroom. I head on out and get into my 1959 F-350 Ford Flatbed since I've got to go get some stuff after school.

Ophelia's POV:
I walk into the bathroom and see the outfit that B had set out for me. Damn he's got some taste. Maybe I'll let him go shopping with me for clothes. I don't know, but I start the shower and take my messy bun down. I think i'm gonna just keep my hair down and in it's natural curl. I'm so glad Bennie is working at my school, so whenever Daddy's being unfair or kids are picking on me I have him to stick up for me. I walk out of the bathroom all fixed up and I do light makeup. I know Daddy and Bennett hate when I put on makeup but it's just concealer, mascara, and chapstick. Nothing too much.

Bennett's POV:
I see Ophelia wall down the stairs and I immediately know the boys at the school are gonna be staring at her. Yes, I've been there. It kind of pisses me off because I'm overprotective of my baby sister. She looks absolutely stunning.

"Ophelia, I'm not kidding with you when I say this either, If any of the boys start hitting on you, you come get me or Dad. I don't have time for those little hellions hitting on my baby sister. But that's beside the point, you look gorgeous!!"

I give her a hug, pick her up and sit her down to eat.

"Bennie! I've got to go herd the cows and feed Hamilton." she giggled. Aww I love her.

"It's okay angel I've already done it for you."

She nods and starts to eat. I hope these kids don't pick on her for being a teacher's kid like they did to me. She gets done and washes her dishes and runs and gets in my 1978 Chevy Silverado. It was Dad's before he got his Dodge. I sigh knowing that she might not come home in this good of a mood and I get in and drive down the road to the school.

Ophelia's POV:
I'm really excited about school! I'm just worried maybe Bennett won't act like he knows me at school.


"Yes pumpkin'?"

"If anyone is mean to me, is it okay that I come to you or I eat lunch in your room with you?"

"Yes baby doll, that's perfectly fine. Please try to make some friends though."

"I will B. I'll be fine."

We pull in and I get out and grab my bag and I walk to Dad's room. It's only 9:00 and school starts in 45 minutes but Dad said I can stay in either his room or B's but Bennett had a meeting, So I just stayed with Daddy.

"Daddy, can I just call you Dad here so that kids don't make fun of me and it's not as weird as calling you "Mr. Lakesley" and act like we aren't related."

"Yes baby, whatever makes you comfortable."

Like that, the bell rings for first period. I have almost all of my core classes with Daddy, but History (Bennie's Class).

Forrest Oak Middle/High School
Lakesley, Ophelia Reign
1998-1999 School Year Schedule
Period One: English - Lakesley, Brendyn
Period Two: Science - Lakesley, Brendyn
Period Three: Math - Lakesley, Brendyn
Period Four: Lunch
Period Five: Physical Ed - Garlock, Kristen
Period Six: History - Lakesley, Bennett
Period Seven: Theatre - Webster, Ray
Period Eight: Study Hall - Lakesley, Bennett

I have no idea where i'm going to sit, until this girl walks in she's got Brown/Black hair. She's gorgeous.

"Hey, I'm Kaytlin. You can come sit by me. Are you new?"

"Yes I am. Uhhh My dad is actually the teacher and my brother teaches History."

"Yep, I know them. Everyone in the town does. I love your Dad and your Brother."

"Okay! Great! We have all classes but Theatre together!!"

"Yay! I want you to come meet Hunter and Blake. I think you'll really like them!"

I walk over and Blake is the cutest and I think he may think the same about me. Kaytlin is already my best friend. I have a group of people I'll be able to eat lunch with. I'm so excited!

*after school*

I did my homework, my chores, I ate supper, helped on the farm the usual. Bennett helped me on my work because I struggle in math. Today was a good day, everyone was nice to me and I've never loved school so much. Needless to say today after school was normal and I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me. I pray that God has something amazing planned for tomorrow.

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