[11*] Pray For Killmonger

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The two walked off the ship and headed for the palace doors at a quickened pace. Aadya turned to cast a glance at the king to find his face stoic and rid of all emotions. He painted a blank canvas that made him hard to read and Aadya wondered if his mind centered around thoughts of what might unfold in the throne room. Whatever was to occur, she knew she would be by his side and provide aid to the man who had been generous towards her on several occasions since their meeting.

They walked the quiet corridors towards the throne room. Aadya noted the decorations and pictures she noticed the first time she walked the halls. Then, she was a nervous mess and was preparing to be in the spotlight of the elders. This time though, she walked with ease finding some comfort in knowing this meeting wasn't called on, on the account of her.

The double doors came into view and T'Challa placed his arm out before him to pry the doors open but paused briefly in his movements to glance at Aadya. She met his gaze and provided the king with a nod of encouragement with a subtle smile playing at her lips. He nodded in return and pushed the doors open to reveal the elders, Shuri, Queen Mother, and Okoye raised from their seats engaging in conversation in hushed voices. All whispers ceased once they caught sight of the two making their way into the room.

Aadya trailed behind T'Challa as he made his way to his seat on the throne. She stood on his right side next to Okoye and watched as those within the room took their seats, aside from one of the tribe leaders who knelt in front of the king.

"Is this man Wakandan or not?" He inquired.

"Tell us what is going on," another elder spoke after him in the native tongue.

T'Challa's eyes scanned them as Shuri gripped his hand in comfort. With no words from their king to ease their curiosities, the room fell into silence and the man took his seat just as the doors were pried open once again.

The room fell into absolute silence as they eyed the man maneuvering into the room with his hands tied behind his back. He stood with confidence, glaring at the people within the room one by one before his eyes remained on the king sitting at the throne. A metal breastplate was strapped to his chest while he also sported camouflage pants. He was led to the steps by W'Kabi who now gaped at T'Challa with a hint of frustration and resentment in his eyes. His stare had gone unnoticed by everyone within the room with all attention on that of the unknown man standing in the room.

"Speak," T'Challa instructed.

A brief moment of silence passed and the unknown man continued to glare at the king before his lips parted to speak. "I'm standing in your house serving justice to a man who stole your vibranium and murdered your people. Justice your king couldn't deliver." 

With those words, the king quickly pushed himself to his feet. Aadya's heart rate picked up slightly out of anxiousness at the hostility that threatened to boil over between the two men. T'Challa made his way across the room where the bound man stood and halted before him. The Dora Milaje and Okoye following in suit to stand in protection of their king. 

Aadya watched intently with T'Challa nearing the man to whisper directly to him. She concentrated her hearing to catch the words being spoken by the sovereign ruler. His voice came out in a whisper but kept its sternness, "I don't care that you brought Klaue. Only reason I don't kill you where you stand is because I know who you are. Now, what do you want?"

"I want the throne," he declared.

One of the elders began to snicker at his declaration. All attention was diverted to her as she uttered, "my goodness." The elders joined in on her laughter.

"Y'all sitting up here comfortable. Must feel good," the outsider stated, his eyes shifting around to meet the eyes of the people within the room. "It's about two billion people all over the world that looks like us. But their lives are a lot harder. Wakanda has the tools to liberate them all."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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