Chapter 13

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Darya awoke late the next morning. Harry had already left the bedroom. It was just as well because she didn't want him to see her pitiful condition. She was so stiff and sore, she groaned like an old woman when she got out of bed. And no wonder, she thought to herself when she saw the stains of blood on the sheets. No one had warned her that sexual intercourse would cause her to bleed. She frowned with worry and irritation then, for it was a fact that no one had told her anything. Was it a usual occurrence to bleed? What if it wasn't usual at all? What if Harry had accidentally torn something that couldn't be repaired?

She tried not to panic and succeeded until she bathed. The tenderness and the additional blood on the washcloth frightened her. And she was embarrassed. She didn't want Niall to see the stains when he changed the sheets, so she stripped the bed herself.

Darya continued to fret while she dressed. She put on a pale blue dress and soft leather shoes. The dress was very feminine and one of her favourites. It had a white border along the square neckline and around the cuffs of the long sleeves. She brushed her hair until is shone and her curls bounced, then went in search of her husband.

Their first encounter in the light of day after the intimacy they'd shared the night before was going to be awkward for her and she wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. If she tried, she was certain she would be able to hide her embarrassment.

Harry was sitting at his desk in the study. The door facing the hallway was open. She stood in the entrance debating whether she should interrupt him or not. He must have felt her gaze on him, however, because he suddenly looked up. He was still frowning with concentration over the letter he was reading, but his express quickly changed. His eyes were soft when he smiled at her.

She thought she might have smiled back. She couldn't be certain. Dear Lord, was she ever going to become accustomed to having him around? He was such a handsome man. His shoulders seemed wider to her today, his hair appeared darker, his skin more tanned. The white shirt he wore accentuated his appeal. It was a stark contrast to his coloring. Her gaze turned to his mouth and she was suddenly flooded with memories of how it had felt to be kissed by him... everywhere.

Darya quickly lowered her gaze to his chin. She wasn't about to let him know how embarrassed she was feeling. She would be dignified and sophisticated.

"Good morning, Harry." Her voice croaked a little like a frog. Her face felt as thought it was on fire. Retreat seemed the only choice. She would try to face him later, when she was more in control. "I can see you're busy," she told him in a rush as she backed away. "I'll go on downstairs."

She turned back and started to walk away. "Darya."


"Come here."

She walked back to the entrance. Harry leaned back in his chair and crooked his finger at her. She straightened her shoulders, forced a smile, and walked inside. She stopped when she reached his desk. That wasn't good enough for him. He motioned her over to his side. She maintained her nonchalant attitude as she circled the desk. Harry was never going to know how awkward she was feeling.

He looked at her for a long minute. "Are you going to tell me what's the matter with you?"

Her shoulders slumped a little. "You're a difficult man to fool," she remarked.

He frowned. "Since you're never going to try to fool me, that fact isn't significant, is it?"


He waited another minute or two, and when she didn't explain, he asked her again. "Tell me what's bothering you?"

She turned her gaze to the floor. "This is... awkward for me, seeing you after... "

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