Sweetheart - [Byakuya Togami x Reader]

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That resounding groan was the most frequent thing you'd heard during lunch. Your arms were wrapped around your closest friend, Aoi Asahina, as she dejectedly slumped against the cold lunchroom table.

"Did you tell her how you feel?" You cooed, you guys' good friend and Hina's crush, Sakura Ogami, being the 'her' in question. The blue-eyed ball of energy shot up, letting out the dejected groan again.

"No! I can't! She has a boyfriend, it'd be completely selfish of me!" She murmured, crossing her arms and leaning into your chest, giving you room to hug her tighter.

Celestia Ludenberg, who mostly hung around just to be entertained by you two's quarrels, thumbed through a magazine while picking at what was left of her lunch. "Yes. Wait a couple of years until she has children," she said sarcastically. This only made Hina burst into more hysterics.

You squeaked in surprise, hurriedly shushing your blubbering friend and rocking her back and forth. It wasn't long until she stopped, her hurried breathing evening out. This would be seen as odd to the naked eye, until someone found out your talent.

You were known throughout Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Sweetheart.

It was more than flashing pretty smiles. You didn't have a lot growing up, as a matter of fact, your family was poor as could be. But the one thing you had that you could always rely on was the eerie ability of making anyone around you soften. You could make anyone's heart warmed, anyone feel safe and secure, you could make anyone your friend. It came in handy, so much handy that you were scouted by the ever-prestigious Hope's Peak Academy. You had sworn to make it, to give your hard-working parents the luxurious life they deserved.

Hina soon regained her composure, bouncing up as energetic as ever. "You're right, Celeste! I should never give up, not as long as I have blood pumpin' through my veins! Oh gosh, I'm totally hyped up now! I need a power snack! I need... I need donuts!"

Celeste quirked an entertained brow, covering her mouth to let out a small giggle. "I am impressed. Your skills seem to only improve, (Y/N)."

You smiled brightly at Celeste, touching your palms together in glee. "It pains me to see anyone upset." Just as the words left your mouth, your digital watch beeped to life. You gasped, your eyes widening in shock as you jumped up. "Oh gosh! Sorry you guys, I have to go return my library books!"

Hina smiled wide, hugging you quickly. "See you in class!" She chirped as you blew kisses, jogging out into the hall and upstairs to the library.

After making your way in through the library door, you took a minute to examine your surroundings. You let out a sigh, letting the calm and quiet of the library wash over you. Definitely refreshing after the hustle and bustle of the loud café. You made your way to the desk, and in hushed whispers, told the librarian and returned the books. You glanced toward the bountiful shelves, smiling and walking over to see if you should check anything else out.

Your eyes skimmed over the shelves, your body swaying back and forth until it guided its way to the fiction section. There was something you could never understand about losing yourself in a different world, being someone else, to be away from the life you lived every day. How inexplicably amazing.

Your fingers grazed the spines of the books, tracing them delicately as you decided where you'd next escape to. Your head had gone too soon, and you'd spaced out, because before you knew it, you gently bumped into a tall figure that let out a disgusted 'tch.' Fear crawled into the pits of your stomach at the tone you knew all too well.

You jumped away, but it was too late. The tall, lean, blond-haired affluent prodigy and your classmate, Byakuya Togami, already had his icy blue eyes trained on you, like a crossbow at a deer's heart.

||Danganronpa Oneshots||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora