My Savior - [Gonta Gokuhara x Reader]

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Non-despair au, everyone goes to Hope's peak academy and everyone from all three games are combined.

Gonta Gokuhara knew he had to use his time wisely. His talent wasn't wasted upon him, he knew how to navigate and he always loved researching and studying insects. So he spent most of his free time in the woods behind Hope's Peak Academy, doing what he did best.

But nothing could prepare the gentleman for what had happened that day.

Gonta was making his way through the woods, a soft smile on his face as he observed the bugs frolicking in the forest. He gasped, his eyes widening upon seeing a rare Palos Verdes blue butterfly, fluttering right in front of his nose.

Gonta's eyes widened in shock, causing him to stumble forward. "G-Gonta has never seen a Palos Verdes in real life before!"

The butterfly flew in circles around him, as if trying to get his attention, before fluttering away. Gonta hurriedly chased the insect, his eyes containing absolute fascination. The butterfly fluttered deeper and deeper into the forest, making Gonta murmur to himself. "Where are you taking Gonta, little one...?"

Gonta stopped when the butterfly came to a halt, suddenly fluttering up into a tree. Gonta's eyes followed the small creature, making it all the way to the branch where the butterfly flew up to, only for his jaw to drop in shock.

On that branch, you slept peacefully, a crown of flowers on your head and your back against the trunk of the tree. Your chest rose and fell, as serene as could be, and to Gonta's surprise, the butterfly perched itself neatly onto your nose.

Gonta couldn't help the heat rising to his cheeks. You two were in the same class, and you had always admired one another's talents. You had loved bugs since before you could remember, always happy to find new ones and play with them in your garden. You were the Ultimate Florist, and Gonta admired how you could classify any type of flower completely on a whim. He also tended to see how you treated the bugs that came across the rooftop garden that you tended to, always holding them, talking to them kindly, and giving them sugar water. You two always had such sweet and energetic conversations about your fascinations with nature, and considered one another good friends. And now he got to see you, removed from school. You looked absolutely majestic, perched upon a branch and serenely sleeping. You looked like a storybook princess.

His thoughts were cut off by a panic rising in his throat, seeing your shoulder slowly slip away from the tree trunk. Your body had begun to lean to the left, and you loosened from the tree, about to fall.

Appalled, Gonta covered his mouth, his brain short circuiting at what to do. Should he wake you up? No, of course not! Then you'd panic even more! Should he get someone? By then you'd have fallen and hurt yourself! So Gonta did the only thing he could, and that was drop his net, outstretch his arms, angle himself, and brace himself as you slipped off of the branch and into his arms with a soft thud.

Gonta gasped, cradling your much smaller frame against his as he searched your body for injury. His eyes landed on the butterfly, and when Gonta saw it, it simply fluttered its wings and took off.

Gonta decided not to fret over it, as he realized you were slowly stirring in his arms. He looked you over, leaning down close to your face and checking for any damage.

You yawned, blinking yourself away, only to lock your eyes with a familiar pair of rose red ones, staring at you worriedly behind a pair of circular glasses. You snapped awake, examining your surroundings before your face began to flush in embarrassment. "G-Gonta?!"

The kind entomologist gasped, squeezing you in a tight hug. "(Y/N) is okay! Gonta was so worried! Gonta see you asleep in tree! Gonta see you about to fall! Gonta catch you so you not get hurt! Gonta never let woman get hurt! Gonta is true gentleman!"

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