Snowfall Serendipity - [Ishimondo]

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Non-despair au, I wanted to do something cute because of the fact that Taka's dad is a cop and Mondo is a little delinquent. This takes place during winter break as well, so while the students still attend Hope's peak academy, they're home for the break.

Mondo Owada had never been one to show fear in the face of danger. That's what being a man's all about, after all. At least, that's what used to be drilled into his head by Daiya day to day.

So you can imagine, when he's stuffed into the back of a police car during one of the coldest days that winter, he isn't going to give the bastard cop the satisfaction of seeing him scared. Fuck that. So, his head lolled to the side, staring at the haphazard snowfall with bored lavender eyes through the window of the squad car. He wasn't that worried anyway, his gang would just bail him out anyway. They were probably on their way to the precinct already. Besides, there was a very low chance Hope's Peak would kick him out. He'd been caught for much worse, and got away with less.

The only thing he was concerned with was this cop's incessant whining. The older bushy-eyebrowed officer called in the arrest on his radio, glancing back at Mondo through the rear view mirror. "Yeah, this is Ishimaru, I'm bringing in one of those delinquent biker kids caught trespassing on private property. I collared 'im, we'll be back at the precinct in ten."

Officer Ishimaru huffed dejectedly, setting his radio down and glaring at Mondo through the rear view mirror once again. "Stupid kid. You can't be older than what, sixteen? Seventeen? And here you are, making a hooligan of yourself, risking your life and biking around foolishly, and for what? To look cool? I have a son your age, if he ever turned out like you, I don't know what the hell I'd do with myself..." he growled, shaking his head and running his hand through his graying hair.

Mondo only smirked coyly, knowing the whole speech front to back. It was almost verbatim how every adult would try and steer him away from 'the path he was going down.' He thought nothing of it at this point, but he did feel like at least having a little fun while he was being booked. "Is he cute?" He retorted, crossing one leg over the other.

Officer Ishimaru only groaned, and continued to mumble incoherently about 'kids these days.' It brought delight to Mondo, the fact that he knew this adult had no power over him and would probably come in contact with him again. But one question dwelled on his mind throughout the entire ride to the precinct.

Why on earth did that last name sound so familiar? Ishimaru? God, it was on the tip of his tongue.

Mondo decided to think nothing of it, maybe it was just a person he'd met on one occasion, or maybe he had brushed shoulders with this cop before and simply forgot. But it nagged at him heavily, until his thoughts were quieted by officer Ishimaru parking his squad car and jostling Mondo out of the car.

Mondo rolled his eyes, growling low in the back of his throat as he was dragged through the station. "Hey, calm the fuck down with all that jerkin', will ya? This jacket's probably worth more than your yearly salary."

The tired beat cop said nothing in response to the witty remark, only shoved Mondo down into his desk seat in the crowded precinct. "Stay there, punk. I have to fill some shit out, process you, then you'll be on your happy ass way to central booking."

Mondo snorted, motioning to his hands, shackles behind his back. "Not like I can do much, pops." Officer Ishimaru rolled his eyes, walking off into his bustling work crowd.

Mondo sighed, tuning out the sound of ringing phones, the high-pitched voices of tired dispatchers, and annoyed grunts about how bad cop coffee was. He took the time to glance over at officer Ishimaru's desk, noticing how utterly neat it was. Prim and proper, it was clean and organized, even the spaces between the pens and notepads would probably be two and a half inches exact if you measured. It could pass a military inspection. The only thing out of place was the photo framed on his desk.

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