Frantic Festival - [Izuru Kamukura x Reader]

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Non-despair au, in this au, much like Mukuro and Junko, Hajime and Izuru are twins.

"So... have you asked him?"

Your face warmed up at the question, a dark flush creeping onto your face. Flustered, you covered your face with your hands and flopped down on your stomach on your dorm room bed. Hajime Hinata snickered next to you, crossing his arms before listening to your muffled response. "Of course not!"

Hajime groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Come on, (Y/N)! As smart as he is, he's thick as a board when it comes to stuff like this!"

You lifted your head from your pillow, a childish pout on your features. Izuru Kamakura was praised at Hope's Peak Academy, constantly both feared and awed for his exceptional range of talents and massive intellect. And while he was the jewel of Hope's Peak Academy, Izuru Kamukura was also Hajime Hinata's twin brother, and your boyfriend. People often questioned how Hajime, the reserve course student, was in any way related to Izuru, the brainiac at the top of the Hope's Peak food chain. While you never questioned that, you did ask how they were twins with different last names. Their response was simply 'pick an answer,' so you didn't pester them any longer about it.

It always did surprise you, that Izuru picked you of all people. You didn't see yourself as exceedingly incredible, and while you had a talent, you didn't see any reason for Izuru to be drawn to it. But you would happily admit that the day he asked you to be his girlfriend was one of your happiest ones. Although, the nagging in the back of your head always pestered you with the same question- why? Izuru never seemed like he had a need for a girlfriend. Thousands of hypothetical reasons spun around in your head. Maybe you were an experiment for some kind of research? Or was he tricked into it? Did he lose a bet? You never voiced these questions, you didn't want to bother him with them. You were happy in his presence, and while you two had been dating five months strong, you hadn't even kissed once. If he was ready, he'd tell you, right?

Your nagging thoughts were cut off by Hajime hitting the back of your head with a pillow, making you whine. "Hey!"

Hajime held up the flyer for the Hope's Peak annual school festival, that was quickly approaching. Fun games, delicious food, it made your heart flutter at the thought. "You've been wanting to ask him for a while, right? The festival is in two days, (Y/N)! He's not gonna magically know what you want! So ask him if he wants to go with you!"

You sat up, crossing your arms with a huff. "You know how easily bored he gets? W-what if he gets bored there and realizes I'm boring too and breaks up with me?"

Hajime chuckled, shaking his head. "I really wish you could see the way he looks at you..."

You glanced up, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment. "W-What's that supposed to mean?!" Hajime waved you off, snickering softly.

"Never mind that. I know that won't happen, though. Take it from me as his brother, he loves spending time with you! And yeah, he might not find the festival particularly exciting but if you're interested in it, he'll make the effort! He's a good boyfriend."

You smiled down at the bed, tucking your knees against your chin and scrunching up into a ball. "I've never doubted that for a minute..."

Hajime slung an arm over your shoulder, pulling you against him with a cheerful laugh. "Just ask him! And if he says no, I'll take you myself! Who needs that guy?"

You snickered, rolling your eyes playfully. "Thanks for the offer, Haji-na."

You two were cut off by the door slowly swinging open, revealing that familiar black suit and head of unruly long hair. Izuru trained his red bullet-target eyes on you and Hajime, a small grimace appearing on his face at the sight of Hajime's arm wrapped around your shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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