Chapter 3

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I apologise for the late update!

Some time passed before Sonic was eventually done with his food and drink,finding both of them delicious.He took a look around,a few people had already left the cafe,but there were still many people left.So far though,the only waiter that he had seen was Shadow.Did he really manage to take care of the whole cafe by himself?If he did,he must have felt pretty tired by now.But everyone around seemed pretty happy and pleased,which meant that he was doing a good job.Sonic slightly smiled to himself at that,even though he felt bad for the boy that had to do all of this by himself. That moment Shadow exited the kitchen,it seemed that he was done with all of the orders by the costumers since for some time he had been only receiving the bills from everyone.Not that he had stopped his work or had a break though,he couldnt with all those people still at the cafe.After Shadow took some of the bills from the people that were now leaving,he went behind the cashier,placed the money in their place,and took a deep breath of exhaustion as he closed his eyes for a moment.He felt tired even for his first day,the cafe was already full by the first hours of its opening.Sonic seemed to notice how exhausted the little hedgehog was,making him feel bad for him since he couldnt take a break.He didnt find it right that they had left him all alone to take care of the whole cafe,they should have had at least one more waiter/waitress. 'He seems really tired..This aint right,he needs help.' With that,Sonic lifted his hand so Shadow could see him and come,which he did.He quickly moved from behind the counter,going towards Sonic's table. "Are you ready to pay?" He asked nicely as he smiled,his head slightly tilting to the side. Sonic nodded his head,finding the action cute,but of course didnt say anything about it. "Actually,yes.But,I have to ask..Arent you tired?Taking take care of the whole cafe by yourself..Dont you need help??" Shadow was taken back by the other's words,blinking softly in surprise,before slightly frowning.Yes,he did feel tired,but didnt want to admit it to the other. "I..No,I am pretty good actually..Why do you ask,though?" He asked in slight confusion.Sonic felt his muzzle slightly heat up at that. "Uhh..I dunno- I uh- I guess I dont like seeing you getting exhausted?" He said a bit nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck,looking away.Shadow felt his own muzzle slightly burn as he heard that,he didnt except anyone to care about him in any way,so it was pretty shocking. "I..thank you? thank you- I- d-dont worry though,please.I'm fine!I can make it by myself!" He told him with confidence as he showed him a small smile.Sonic didnt seem to be any more calmer.He sighed softly,before shaking his head.He looked up at the boy after, "..Do you want me to help you?Just until your shift is over.I dont have anything better to do after I leave this place anyways.What do you say?" He asked him with a smile on his face,he was determined to help the little hedgehog so he could get the chance to relax a little.Shadow was shocked once more at that,clearly not knowing what to answer. "W-what?I- I dont think I can do that Sonic- You dont work here and-" "Hey hey,relax.Your boss wont need to know,and,it will be just for a few hours until the cafe closes.C'mon,what do ya say?" Shadow didnt know if he should accept,trusting a guy that he had met just a few hours ago,and that he doesnt even know that well,trust him with helping with the cafe?He didnt seem harmful though,he seemed like a nice guy.But after all,the only thing he could help him with is with taking the orders and stuff,that wouldnt be bad,right? "I..I guess it wouldnt be bad if I had some help.." He mumbled slightly insecure as he rubbed his right arm with his left hand,looking down to the side with his ears pinned halfway downwards.Sonic's ears perked up at the answer,smiling widely as he shot up from the chair, "Alright then!Oh wait!Let me pay first." The blue hedgehog and took his wallet out of his pocket,opening to take the money out,but,Shadow stopped him. "Its on me.You helping me is already enough and really nice of you.Thank you." He told him with a hand on top of his on the wallet from the moment he had stopped him from paying,a small smile on his face as he was looking towards him. Sonic blinked softly in surprise,not expecting to hear him say that,or even thank him.He shook his head,he didnt think it was the right thing not to pay.He was slightly blushing,just like the smaller hedgehog in front of him,because of their hands touching.He didnt know why his muzzle was burning,though.It was a feeling he couldnt explain. He chuckled a lil bashfully,looking to the side as he scratched the back of his neck."Ah,its no problem to me,really,and no no,I gotta pay,its not right not to." He insisted.But Shadow shook his head,still not letting him pay. "I decided not to let you pay because your help is already enough!Even if you let the money on the table,I will not take them." He told him as he crossed his arms,eyes closed. "Well?" Shadow said,Sonic blinking a couple of times once more as he heard him say that,sighing in defeat after a few seconds. "Alright,alright." He closed his wallet,putting it back to its place.Shadow opened his eyes and smiled at that,uncrossing his arms. "Great!Now,follow me,I will show you what you can do and help me." He told him as he started to walk towards the cashier.Sonic felt his tail wag by the moment the black hedgehog smiled,that was already enough to make him smile as well,for some reason.He then followed right behind Shadow,excited to finally help him out with his work.He already knew him for a couple of hours,yet he felt as if he was starting to grow attached to him,something that he wasnt really used to,and the same went for Shadow.He wasnt used to trusting people so easily,yet he trusted that blue hedgehog to help him with his own job.Why?

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