Chapter 8

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"I can't believe I said that. Did I really say that??" Shadow mumbled to himself as he had closed the door to his bedroom. He was panicking a little,he was really gonna spend a whole afternoon with Sonic afterall,huh? 

He sighed,taking deep breaths, "It's okay Shadow,relax. Why are you so nervous? It's just an afternoon with a friend. A simple friend." The ebony kept saying to himself as he proceeded to sit down on his bed,soon enough taking his shoes off. He put them on the side,then proceeded to start getting changed into some more comfier clothes. At the same time he was thinking about what the two could do,watch some movies,maybe play some board games? He could make some popcorn too. Did he have any drinks?Probably not,he was never a fan of them. The way they went down and burnt his throat at each gulp always bothered him. Maybe water's fine? Maybe there's some wine in the fridge,he liked drinking some sometimes when he felt stressed. But rarely. So there was some probably in the fridge. Was it in the fridge??

Keep your thoughts together for chaos' sake.

Sonic in the meantime was trying his best to keep his cool. He pretty much had the same thoughts like Shadow about the whole 'hanging out the afternoon together' thing. Was it really a date? He didn't mind of course but,with a boy? He was mostly into girls. Or,so he thought. Of course he wasn't homophobic or anything like that,he was fully supportive! 

Shadow was for sure joking,yeah that must be it. Right?

"Do you maybe need any comfier clothes?I have some that probably fit you..!" Shadow's head suddenly popped up from the opened door of the hallway that leaded away to the rest of the rooms. He was now dressed in more comfier clothes,a pair of pyjama pants,along with a comfy t-shirt. Sonic seemed to slightly jump at the voice breaking him out of his deep thinking. He turned his head to give Shadow a surprised look,before blinking a couple of times as he turned to look down at himself. Jeans,and a kinda skinny t-shirt. Yeah,some comfortable clothes would be good,why did he dress up like this today anyway? He definitely had comfier clothes than these,especially for running. "Uh- Sure! I could use some comfortable clothes right now." He rubbed the back of his head a little nervously,showing a smile. The ebony coloured boy smiled,giving a small nod.After that,he popped his head back into the hallway,and some moments later he fully entered the living room with a pair of clothes in his hands. "Here you go,I'll let you be so you can change." He smiled,and made his way into his room once again to give Sonic some privacy. Sonic then fully saw Shadow,blinking a bit,but the only thing he did was to thank him calmly,and watch him leave. There was that one word that popped into his head for the second time since he had met Shadow. 'Cute'. Why. Why would he think that??It didn't make sense. 

As the male sighed and shook his head in order to shake the thought away,he took his shoes off,and started to get himself dressed. He gave the clothes a glance,chuckling lightly. The pyjama pants were a soft shade of grey,while the t-shirt was a soft baby blue,and they seemed to fit him perfectly. What made Sonic chuckle though was the heart the pyjama shirt had on the bottom corner. After he was fully done,he flopped back down at the couch. He liked that couch,it was soft and really comfortable,even better than his. Soon enough after that,he called for Shadow. "I'm ready!" He shouted calmly,and waited for him to come. Shadow made his way out of the room and back into the living room after he heard Sonic. Upon seeing that the clothes indeed fit him well,he smiled. He was relieved,since he thought that maybe they would have been too small. "They seem to fit you,but are you comfortable in them?" The younger male would ask,now walking to the couch to sit next to Sonic. He decided to sit for a moment,and decided to see what they were gonna do first,before he would go and look for any board games,and search into his kitchen for anything. "I am!And they smell really nice,thank you for letting me borrow them for now." He showed a soft smile,to which Shadow replied with a smile of his own. "It's no problem,really. Now,what shall we do?"

. . .

"Oh COME. ON. !" A frustrated ebony shouted,his face red in anger,as there was a pout on his face. Now with a Monopoly between them on the carpet they were sitting on,and a big bowl of popcorn to the side along with some water,the two hedgehogs were playing one board game after the other,and a certain someone kept winning. "You cheated!" The ebony pointed  a finger at his opponent,a huff following. While at the same time,Sonic couldn't stop laughing at Shadow's anger and frustration over loosing all the time. "Nope!Sorry Shads, just admit that you can't.Beat me." A smirk grew over the confident hedgehog's muzzle,his elbows resting lazily on his knees, legs crossed on the carpet.

Shadow was furious. He had to beat him at least once! "Take that back. I can and WILL beat you!You don't know who you're messing with,hedgehog." The ebony one would once again huff,as he,yet again,started to make up the board game. "Oh sure I do. Let me refresh your memory..Cluedo,Uno,Monopoly,both of them,AND connect four. When will you give up..??" The smug grin couldn't leave his face,he was just way too confident for his own good. While Shadow?He was just gettng even more stubborn to play. Play until he won,just so he can rub it right into his face. He would so enjoy it if it were to happen. And it would!

"..Checkmate." Shadow said,for the first time,after the three times they played chess. Yes,chess. Not Monopoly,cause he could clearly not beat him on that. But yet,he managed to win him for once,and he could just not be more proud of himself. Yes,he lost many times,but at the end,even if once,he actually beated him. "No no wait- Hold on. It can't be,hold on." Sonic shook his head,scanning the board carefully,trying,trying to find any moves. Yet,he found none. "No.." He mumbled,his eyes wide in defeat. Shadow couldn't help it,he smiled,smiled in victory, "Who's the loser now,huh?" He arched a brow,arms crossing over his chest.

"We're not playing chess again."

This chapter is a bit ehh,I'm sorry,promise the next one will be better!

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