Chapter 5

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Days passed since  the day the two hedgehogs saw eachother. Both two busy with work. The day Sonic had visited was when he had a day off from work,but aside from that,he was just as busy as Shadow,mostly everyday. Sonic had every intention to meet with the hedgehog,or at least call him and see what he is doing. But he never,just like Shadow,had any time at all. Shadow worked night and day,trying his best to keep up with the hard schedule. Same went for Sonic though,his boss just gave him extra hours ever night,and he had no choice but to follow the orders and do what he had to do. He just wished he could pay the ebony one a visit,even for just a little bit. He wanted to see him again no matter what. While Shadow,he hardly ever even had time to think. Literally. The working hours were killing him..! But he was strong,he could manage. Besides,he realy needed the money,he had to afford a life somehow,hadn't he?

Finally,one night of having no extra hours for once,the blue speedster sat on the couch of his house,and grabbed his phone. He was so happy. He was finally gonna talk to Shadow after days!He didn't know why he was excited,he had just,really enjoyed the other's company that day. He proceeded to unlock his phone,and tap on the ebony's number. His tail thumbed against the couch,his hand moving up with the phone in it,pressing it against his ear. Now,he waited.

Nothing. The ebony hadnt replied after Sonic had called him two times. Where was he?Maybe he was still working?He could be sleeping,even if it wasnt that late. A soft sigh escaped his lips,and he placed the phone down on the wooden table. He just had to wait,he wouldnt have to wait for long right?


He did.

Shadow was so busy that night,but like,really busy. He was supposed to close at 9 pm,and with the people not leaving any time soon,he ended leaving around 11 pm. "You've got to be kidding me.." He murmured as he looked at the clock on the wall after the people had finally left. He was sweeping the floor,wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. When was this boss of his gonna get a second waiter|waitress anyway? He was probably doing it for the money,just so he wouldnt have to pay two people. He wasn't even giving that much anyway! Cheapass.

The ebony one was finally done with cleaning up the tables and such,a sigh escaping his lips as he took the small black apron off from around his waist. He hanged it on the wall after,and went to grab his jacket with his bag. Shadow took his phone out of the front pocket of his bag,just to check if he had any texts or phone calls from anyone. No,he wasnt expecting anything from a certain someone,of course not. Just your imagination.

A soft gasp seemed to escape the ebony,ears perking up. He actually had three missed calls..!And the thing that actually got him to gasp was the one that had actually called him. It was Sonic. Two calls two hours ago,and one an hour ago. To be honest,every time he thought of calling Sonic,he was just too tired,or either his phone was out of battery. Or he was just in no state to talk to anyone. Shadow felt happiness,yet guilt well up in his chest. Sonic might have been waiting,and now he is probably sleeping.. But he couldnt do anything else,he was really busy when he called. Yet again,Sonic probably thought that he had finished with work already,which was probably the reason he had called. He sighed,he should give it a try and call him tomorrow morning,he really wanted to  call him right now,but he was gonna wake him up for sure.

The young mobian locked the cafe's door,putting his phone back into his pocket. Then,he started to make his leave. At the same time,Sonic was just getting to bed. He had waited for nothing,Shadow didn't call him back. Maybe he didnt actually want to talk to him?Did he not like him as a person?These thoughts slightly bothered the blue hedgehog,now trying to push them away in order to actually get some sleep. He had a busy day tomorrow. The ebony was doing the same as well,already in bed as he had let his phone on the nightstand to charge.

His hands kept itching.

"..One text wouldnt hurt,right?I'm sure a simple text wouldnt wake him up." Shadow said,and took the phone in his hands. He opened it,went to the list of phone numbers,pressed the name "Sonic",and tapped on the 'messages'. then,he typed,,

S h a d o w :

"Hey,I'm sorry for not answering,or calling back. I figured you'd be sleeping,and so I decided to send a text. I couldnt pick up since I left the cafe late,it was a busy day. I'm planning on calling you tomorrow morning though..! Hope we can talk."

And with that,he pressed 'send'. He was a little nervous to tell the truth,but he just needed to get that weight of guilt off of his shoulders about him not calling or texting the blue hedgehog. Now that that was done,he could finally sleep peacefully..

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