Chapter 9

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Told ya a new chapter was coming ;) I'm sorry if this isn't much though,I'm trying my best to get back on track with the story! So for now have this <3

One hour became two,two became three..Before you knew it,the clock struck midnight. The two fellow mobians were no longer keeping themselves busy by playing random board games,but instead,found themselves talking about random topics,that soon enough took a turn to stuff that each other enjoyed doing,their interests,their dislikes,and so on. There was a random movie playing in the background,the no longer filled with popcorn bowl resting by the side of the small living room table.The hedgehogs were by the couch,the azure resting his legs on the table,while the ebony had them crossed over the couch. There was a blanket placed over their lap,keeping them warm through the cold night. It was clear as day how the weather was changing,from hot to cold. It was common for that area to change seasons so suddenly,one day you'd be wearing shorts,the other a coat with boots. Yet many had adjusted to it,no longer being bothered by it.

As time ticked away,Sonic had noticed how his companion's words started to become shorter,eyes a bit droopy ,a few yawns escaping his lips from time to time. It was then when he realized how late it had actually gotten. Damn,he didn't even notice. While Shadow on the other hand,knew the time,and of course knew how tired he was getting. But..He didn't want it to end. It was one of those times when you just enjoyed your time with someone so much,that you wanted it to last forever. Unfortunately,all good things must come to an end. And so did this moment. "Hey..I think I should get going,it's getting quite late hm?" The azure spoke,but not too loud as to not startle the striped one. "I can always call you tomorrow,or even drop by the cafe if I have time."He showed him a reassuring smile,as if telling him that,this time,he wouldn't let so many days pass for them to meet again. Shadow wasn't all that happy that they would have to part ways,as he felt like the time they spent together wasn't enough. But how much did he really want? He couldn't just keep him with him all night long,he had a life just like he did. So,he had to let him go. "You're right. Besides,we both have work. We need rest." He said calmly,before another yawn escaped his lips,his hand moving to cover them as he did so. His head turned to his companion,emeralds meeting rubies. "We won't lose contact,okay?" He asked quietly,a,rather worried expression on his face. Sonic was the only one who showed interest in him throughout his life,as he himself wasn't the social type of guy to go around and ask people to be his friend. So,having someone that actually wanted to hang out with him was,rare. And nice. He liked it.Shouldn't he? I mean,yeah,having a friend is nice but,should he really get attached? What if it turned out to be a bad decision? He could trust Sonic,he knew he could,he just had to have more faith in himself to believe that,maybe he isn't a crazy ass asshole but someone who likes him as a person- Just a little more faith. That's all he needed. "Of course not,I'll make sure that won't happen again.." The azure's expression slightly dropped,wanting to slap himself for not trying harder to contact with Shadow. But yet again,if he did,maybe things would have been different than the way they are right now. And he liked how things were right now. Hearing Sonic's response put Shadow at ease,not helping himself as he showed a slight smile. "Alright."

Not long after,the hedgehogs were no longer on the couch. Instead, they were by the door. Shadow had stayed the same,but Sonic had changed,since he wasn't wearing his clothes as he had changed into a pair that belonged to Shadow in order to be more comfortable. Now, he was all good to go. Did any of them want to part? No,not really. But Sonic couldn't really stay. And so,the blue one turned the handle of the door,pulling it open. Before he stepped out though,he turned to glance at the one he had spend his whole afternoon with,and enjoyed every bit of it. "I had a good time. We should definitely hang out like this again. Next time maybe at my house!" He gave out a little chuckle,while the ebony one found himself smiling,again. Seriously,what's with the smiles? "I had a good time too. You're not as bad as I thought you were." He couldn't help but tease him even a little bit. And of course,Sonic fired back. "Says the one who can't beat me at a kid's game." "IT'S HARD OKAY-" had just closed. So,he grabbed a jacket from behind his door,shut it,

Shadow watched as Sonic left his apartment,sharing their goodnights. His lips pursed a little though. He hadn't closed the door yet,it was barely open though,but he got distracted a little by the weather outside. He knew it had gotten cold,and as much as he remembered,Sonic only wore a t-shirt. He frowned a bit,mostlyin worry though. He quickly opened his door,glancing out on the hall. "So- fuck." He mumbled,seeing as the doors of the elevator had just closed. So,he grabbed a jacket from behind his door,shut it, ,and made a run for it at the stairs. Now it was time to see how fast he could be. OKay- he tripped once or twice. Acceptable. But,he actually made it to where Sonic was still in sight out of the building. He quickly ran out,panting a little as he held the jacket tightly in his hand. "WAIT!" He shouted,feeling his own fur stand on edge from the cold outside. He was glad he came all the way down here,the poor guy was gonna freeze. At the sound of Shadow's voice from a bit far back,Sonic came to a sudden stop,eyes widening slightly to hear his voice. He was quick to turn around,eyes falling on the ebony male that stood by the entrance of the building. "Shadow??- What are you doing out here,you'll freeze!" He walked up to him a bit quickly,before blinking a couple of times as he was tossed the jacket Shadow held in his hand this hold time,which he hadn't even noticed until now. He blinked a couple of times in surprise,before lifting his head. "Why-" "You'll freeze you idiot! Wear it,you can return it to me whenever we meet again." He let out a small huff,arms crossing over his chest. Well,mostly to give himself some warmth. Sonic was taking a small moment to realize what had happened. Did Shadow really made all this way down here to give him this jacket? "I-" "Save the thank yous,now wear it and go home,dumbass." He mumbled the last part,averting his eyes to the side. All Sonic could do was smile at the ebony,feeling thankful,and,quite warm. Wait,he hasn't put the jacket on yet what the hell- Either way,he wasted no more time,and slid the jacket on. Of course it felt a little tight on him,but it was still very,very warm. And of course,it smelt like Shadow. His scent reminded Sonic of cinnamon,it was rather pleasing for his nose. Either way,once he had it on,he gave Shadow a smile,hands placed into the pockets of the clothing. "Thanks Shads!" A tiny tint of red appeared on the ebony boy's muzzle,finding himself unable to reply for a small second. "I-- I told you not to-..Whatever." He mumbled in the end once before letting out a little huff,turning away. "Anyway go home!I'll get back inside.." He gave him a small glance,okay maybe two. He didn't look half bad with his jacket on,he had to admit. No- Nuh-uh. Nope. Get the image out of your head. Now.

Sonic remained with that smile on his face as he watched the ebony react this way,and then leave. He chuckled a little as he shook his head,feeling his own cheeks getting rather warm,but he pretty much thought it was the jacket keeping his body warm. He ignored it either way. "Goodnight Shads!" He gave a little wave,just like the way he did when they parted ways up at the apartment. Before he completely left,which meant running away,he wanted to make sure Shadow had gotten inside the building safely first. He didn't know why,he was just,making sure. Once Shadow had gotten out of sight into the building,Sonic relaxed. He let out a little sigh,turned forward,and dashed off.

With Shadow,he was heading up to his apartment once again. Thank the gods they had an elevator,or else he would have died. Once the doors had opened,he stepped out,and walked down the hall,not too far away from his place. He eventually arrived in front of the door,and moved his hands into his pockets to grab his ke-..Wait a second. Where the hell were the keys.

"..fuck me."

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