Chapter 6

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Another chapter in one day because ily'all

As the next morning came,the ebony proceeded to get up from bed,and get straight on getting ready for work after going through his daily routine. Only this time,his routine contained a phone call. Shadow of course didnt forget. How could he anyway?

Once he was dressed,he speeded to his bed,and unplugged his phone from the charger. His tail seemed to sway,since he believed he was actually going to finally talk to Sonic. He was quick to make the call,and press his phone against his ear. And so he waited.

At the same time,a certain blue hedgehog was getting himself prepared for work. As he was about to get his phone from the nightstand and turn it on,he realised he couldnt. That confused him. He had put it to charge through the night,so he wasnt sure why it couldnt open. "Wait.." He mumbled to himself,and turned to look at the charger plugged on the wall. Well..He thought he'd find it plugged on the wall. It wasnt. It was lying on the floor,next to the nightstand.

Sonic was furious,his phone didn't charge at all! Luck wasn't by his side this morning,and not starting off a day in a good way was always the worst thing for the speedster. He sighed in frustration,and took the charger with him into his bag. "Guess I'm gonna have to charge it at work.." He murmured to himself,and walked out of his room to get some quick breakfast,before he left to work.

Shadow frowned. It said that he wasnt available. He called two times,while at the same time wasting time when he could actually be preparing himself some quick breakfast. He sighed,looking down at his phone with his ears pressed against his head.  Maybe he was still sleeping. He hoped to receive a call at least before he started work at the cafe,maybe on his way there..? He hoped.

It was just not meant to happen.

Sonic never called,Shadow couldn't call at all that day. And just like that,another busy day had passed with the two hedgehogs working,and thinking of eachother.

. . . . . . . . . . .

skipping to 2 days later . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .

Shadow was walking down the road calmly on a busy afternoon,bags in his hands. He finally had a day off. The cafe wasn't opened today,his boss actually decided to give the ebony the Fridays off. Shadow felt so happy,he could actually have some time to himself,relax,go out to actually do other things too than to work. And maybe,actually get to hang out with Sonic. He just hoped the blue hedgehog would have some free time off too. He didnt really know when he was working or not,that night when they got to talk to eachother after they left the cafe they didnt really talk about their jobs,just mostly about themselves,and stuff like that. He just wished he could see him again.

And little did he know,his wish was about to come true..

Sonic,who had his afternoon off,but did work at the morning,was running around the roads of the city once again. It has been a long time since he actually ran around without having to worry about being late at work,or having to look after something. He just ran freely,enjoying the feeling of the air blowing past his quills. After he actually came to a stop,it was when he saw from the corner of his eyes the familiar cafe. His eyes slightly widened,of course! He could visit Shadow! He dashed at a fast pace at the doors,although he had noticed that it seemed a bit dark from afar. He probably didnt see well or something like that. But he frowned when he stopped in front of the doors,seeing that it was indeed,closed. His shoulders dropped,along with his arms on his sides. Why was it closed..? Maybe something had happened? Could Shadow not open up today? That made him a little worried. He actually got happy that he would see him at first,since he himself felt bad for not answering to his calls a few days ago. He even saw his message,and felt even worse. He had managed to see the calls and text yesterday,because the night after the morning Shadow called him that day,he went straight to sleep,he even fell asleep on the couch. And the next day,he forgot his phone at work. Very lucky. And now that he was actually free,the cafe wasn't even opened.

His ears perked up as a thought popped up in his head. He could actually visit his house..How did he not think of it from the beginning??

And just like that,the blue speedster ran off towards the ebony's home. It didnt take him long of course,he was desperate to see him. After he had arrived in front of the building of his apartment,he came at a stop in front of the entrance. Hold on..Whats the number of his apartment? Did he even know? What was he doing..? Wherer he was going..?? Of course he knew the building but.. Not the apartment.

His frown was even worse than before,slowly taking a small step backwards. "I'm so stupid.." He shook his head,and for once,he didnt run. He walked away,head hanging downwards. So much excitement for nothing. He was actually thinking of going back home,his afternoon hadnt turned out to be the best anyway. With a sigh escaping his lips,the blue one walked away from the building,and entered the busy roads of the town.

Shadow had his arms a little full,he had went shopping. Mostly groceries,and a few other things that he saw in some shops on his way home. He was on his way back home now,walking through the crowds of people. Truth be told,these big crowds brought him slight anxiety,he felt like he was being squeezed or that he couldn't breathe. Which wasn't the case,but he really felt like it.

"Excuse me- Walking through-" The ebony said quietly as he was making his way through the people with the bags in his hands,struggling a little. Why did the supermarker had to be this far away from his home anyway? It annoyed him.

Sonic gave a glance down at his phone,but only for a short amount of time,since he had to be careful not to bump with anyone. Well..Wrong choice of time to bring out the phone. "Oof!-" A voice was heard,colliding with the blue hedgehog at the same time,which was the reason for him to drop some of the bags in his hands. Sonic gasped lightly the moment he bumped onto someone,stumbling backwards slightly,just like the other person.

Shadow was looking from side to side,checking to make sure he was taking the correct road on his way home. Sometimes he mistook the roads for some reason. Well,it hasn't been long since he came into this city so you couldn't blame him. But his eyes darting sideways caused him to,bump into someone,eventually. And after a moment,,"My apologies!" A voice was heard,an oddly familiar one,but Shadow hadn't seen who it was since his eyes were shut for a moment,hand rubbing his head. "It's o..kay?.."

The two mobians opened their eyes,and stared at eachother for what felt like eternity. They stood there for a moment,before one decided to speak. "Shadow..?" the blue one mumbled softly,as if he was seeing a ghost. Shadow felt the same way,before he eventually snapped out of it. "Sonic..Sonic..! Long time no see..!" A smile slowly formed on his face,completely forgetting about the spilled groceries between them. And Sonic did for a little too, "H-hey..!It,has been a long time.." He spoke softly,smiling back to the other. He felt so much happiness. After all,after all of the running,he ended up finding the ebony through walking. Huh.

Shadow felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness rush through him. The man he wished of seeing or at least speaking with for all of these days was standing right in front of him. He had the urge to hug him,but held himself back. "I- oh geez-" He finally realised that he had forgotten about his groceries, "Give me a moment!-" He kneeled down in front of the bags that had fallen,and started gathering his stuff. Sonic of course didnt let him do it on his own,and quickly kneeled down to help him. "Let me help.." He said with a smile,a smile that caused Shadow's muzzle to slightly heat up. But he ignored the feeling,and smiled back as he nodded,and let Sonic to help him. He knew he wouldnt take no for an answer anyways.

After that was done,Shadow was gonna pick the bags up,but Sonic did it before him,which caught him off guard a little bit,head tilting in confusion. "Heading home?" The cobalt asked with a smile upon his face,an eyebrow arched. Shadow's eyes widened slightly,but he figured Sonic remembered his home was near,so it would be logical for him to be heading that way. "I-..Yes." He couldn't help but chuckled slightly,to which Sonic grinned. "Very well then," And just like that,he started to walk. Shadow blinked softly,before hurrying to follow. It made Sonic snicker,Shadow's actions looking cute to the emerald eyes.

And so,the two started to make their way to Shadow's apartment,both with groceries in their hands. Both not busy and actually free this afternoon,why not spend it together?

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