Chapter 7

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The two hedgehogs had eventually arrived at the ebony one's apartment. Sonic also noted in his head the floor and hallway the apartment was in,along with the printed number on its front door. He felt better knowing where his apartment was,just in case.

Shadow proceeded to put the bags he held down on the ground in order to take his keys out of his pocket. Once he did,he unlocked the door,grabbed the bags,and walked inside his home. His home was simple too. When you walked inside,you entered the living room,which was connected with a little kitchen,but big enough for one person.

Here's how it looked,just so you can have an idea of how his place looks!

Here's how it looked,just so you can have an idea of how his place looks!

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I think it looks simple yet good enough! [the image does not belong to me,I took it from google-]

Now on with the story!

The cobalt one gave a look around,admiring the place. He found it looking really nice in his opinion,it looked cozy and warm. He smiled as he walked with Shadow to the kitchen,and placed the bags on the counter. Shadow did the same,taking whatever bags werent groceries,and walked to where his bedroom was to place them there. "Give me a second!" He said Sonic calmly,who nodded, "I'll take the things out of the bags for ya!" He shouted calmly for Shadow to hear,who shouted back a thank you. Shadow entered his bedroom,and put the bags on the side of the bed.

Here's the bedroom! [Also an image I took from google]

Shadow returned to the kitchen the moment he had left the bags,going back to Sonic to help him out with the bags

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Shadow returned to the kitchen the moment he had left the bags,going back to Sonic to help him out with the bags. "Thank you for helping me,I mean,for even coming all the way here,you must have had more important things to do." He rubbed the back of his head a little nervously. He felt a bit bad,but yet again Sonic chose to help him and get all the way home with him,didn't he?

Sonic shook his head as he emptied the last bag,leaving the things on the counter while Shadow was putting them away in their places. "It's no problem,really..!And don't worry,I had nothing planned this afternoon anyway,I was just running around!And I came to help you because I wanted to. And..Uh..-" His gaze fell as he rubbed the back of his head,eyes darting sideways. "I guess I wanted to ask if,you wanted to hang out with me this afternoon?If you're not busy,that is! It's just that,we havent contacted at all these past few days and,I suppose I missed you,maybe." He mumbled the last sentence,a light shade of pink brushing the cobalt's cheeks. He didn't really know why he admitted that,but it was the truth. He has been so eager to talk to this boy,and now that they finally saw eachother,he didn't wanna leave so soon.

Shadow was pretty surprised to tell the truth,he didn't expect Sonic wanting to actually hang out with him. But he felt happy that he did. "Well.." He smiled a little ,closing the cabinets after being done with putting everything away,and turned to face the blue mobian with a bigger smile spreaded on his muzzle. "I can't say no to that,can I?" He arched a brow,snickering a little. Sonic found some of his confidence return,and he chuckled as he leaned on the kitchen counter with a hand on it,and the other resting on his waist. "No,no you can't." He smirked cockily,eyes half-lidded as he stared into Shadow's rubies,who stared back at him. "Alright then mister,it's a date." He teased,walking away to his bedroom,leaving a reddened hedgehog behind,with a wagging tail. His surprised expression turned into a happy one,smiling to himself as he walked to the couch,and let himself sit down. "A date,huh?" He mumbled to himself,smiling even more. He liked the idea,more than he thought. Either Shadow was kidding or not,he took it seriously.

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