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"Let's meet when the lilies bloom

And say goodbye when they witherI didn't think I'd get over you easily butIs it selfish of me to hope you are the same?"

-Just One Day by BTS

Naruto looked around as they walked through the busy streets of Konoha. Every once in awhile, she would overhear someone whispering behind her back and feel people's hateful gaze over her. The other two were oblivious to the looks and words and continued their animated conversation, asking her what she did all these years. As the sun started to increase its heat, the girls decided to head back and meet up tomorrow at a cafe. Naruto declined. That particular owner had thrown her out once and she didn't wish to repeat the same mistake again.

She started to walk back and this time, she noticed, the people were not whispering anymore. She gulped and picked up her pace. When they forgot all their civility, she jumped up and took to jumping roofs to getaway. She soon found herself in front of her apartment. She unlocked the door and walked in, muttering a small "I'm home."

The house felt empty beyond words. The light of the Sun was making the wood shimmer but still, the painful feeling of loneliness crept up her spine. She sighed and walked into the kitchen, making herself some lunch. As she finished it up and washed the dishes, her mind wandered. It would have been better to just go back to her life before. Travelling from place to place. Meeting new people. At least, she would be too occupied to know that she was alone. Just for one day, she wished. Just one day, when she wouldn't have to live in a silent place all by herself. Just one day, when she wouldn't have to feel the pain of not having anyone except herself around. She laughed at herself lightly and smiled bitterly.

"I wish you were here, Mom... Dad.."

The raven-haired shinobi lay on his bed. One of his feet was dangling from the frame and he had one arm under his head. He thought back to the events of the day. Naruto had returned yesterday. She had returned after 5 years and it would be an understatement to say that she had grown. She had grown into a really beautiful lady and none of the guys was not aware of this. All of them had their eyes on her and frankly, Sasuke was pissed. She was his teammate, for God's sake. But he knew deep inside that he was one of the reasons she had left.

When Orochimaru had come to the chunin exams, he had tried to give Sasuke the curse seal. She had saved him. She had pushed him out of the way and broken him out of his stupor. She had slapped some sense into the Uchiha and pulled him away from the Snake obsessed Sannin's grasp. And in return, when the council had come to know what happened, she had been punished. And without saying a word, she had accepted. He never understood why it was her fault. If anything, it was the man's fault. That day, she had walked over to him before leaving and told him something. Her words echoed in his brain.

"Don't worry, Sasuke. And don't beat yourself up over it." She had given him a smile. "It wasn't your fault. And if anything, when I come back, promise me we'll still be friends." And they had joined pinkies with identical blushes on their faces.

He smiled as he remembered that time. He still hadn't really met her fully. He hadn't even talked to her. Sasuke sighed. He couldn't deny the fact that the blonde had returned to be a walking model. She had gained all the curves in the right place. And her voice... Damn, that was one of Sasuke's weak spot. Was it just him or was her voice pure music? She didn't even seem to know that she was having that kind of effect on the guys. And Sasuke loved it. Sasuke loved her oblivious stares. The way she would blink her eyes if she was confused and the way she would scrunch up her face when something out of her grasping ability happened. Did she still do all that? He wondered. Her face had lost its baby fat over the years and now she had sharp features with her ever enigmatic blue eyes. Her birthmarks were the most adorable thing in Sasuke's opinion and don't even get him started on her rosy lips.

Sasuke flipped around and buried his burning face in his pillow. God! What was he thinking? He had never had thoughts like this for anyone before and he was genuinely confused. He groaned in his pillow and let out a deep sigh.

This was one of the reasons why he wasn't able to approach her or even talk to her. She was too damn beautiful. She was hopelessly clueless, which added on to the list. Even if he decided to man up and face her, she would be too oblivious to his advances.

Sasuke sat up. He had to either get rid of his feelings or become a real Uchiha and try to woo her. Key word being try. He had noticed how Kakashi had looked at him the day before and he knew that his former teacher would be less than willing to even give him a chance. He stood up as his thoughts swirled in his mind. Just one day. He just wished for one day he could spend with her. Just one day where no one would disturb them. Just one day with his Naruto.

Oh Lord, he rubbed his face with his palm. Uchiha Sasuke was losing his mind. Over one certain Uzumaki Naruto.

Night had fallen and a certain blonde-haired kunoichi was lurking around near the Hokage's office. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The Hokage had called her to his office and she had no idea why. She heard a muffled "Come in" and she slowly opened the door. Kakashi was sitting at his desk, looking at her. She walked in and closed the door behind her.

"What did you call me for, Kakashi-sensei?" She questioned and he smiled. He motioned for her to sit and she sat down on one of the chairs. Kakashi then started.

"Well, since you gave us information about Pein and all, I thought I could do something in return for your benefit and for our village." He leaned forward. "So, tell me, Naruto. Would you like to join ANBU?"

Her eyes widened and she stayed put. A moment passed and she slowly came to. A smile broke out on her face and she nodded vigorously.

"I would love to join ANBU!" She answered, her voice clearly showing her emotions.

Kakashi chuckled and gave her a smile. "Then it's decided. Your training will begin next week." At this, her spirits fell down. "Why next week?" She asked, her face suddenly losing its colour.

"You just came back. You need to rest." He told her and she pouted at him. Before she could give any reason for him to change the date, he said, "I know. But no missions for you right now." She looked at him with her puppy dog eyes and he looked away. He sighed when she didn't back away and gave in.

"Fine, but just one mission." He said and she cheered. He looked at her and smiled before telling her that he had something else for her. He produced her katana from behind his chair and looked at her widened eyes.

"Since I know you are not going to betray us, you can have your sword back." And just as he finished his sentence, he was greeted by a blinding smile and a look of pure gratefulness. She took back her sword and walked out.

As soon as she stepped out, she bumped into someone and she looked up. Looking back at her were midnight orbs. She blushed and mumbled a sorry but before she could walk away a voice broke into her thoughts and she ceased her movements.

"Naruto," Sasuke called out to her and she turned around. "Would you like to train with me tomorrow?" He asked and she looked at him before nodding and smiling at him and waving at him as she left, leaving behind a flustered Uchiha with a racing heart.

"Just one day, if I can be with you

Just one day, if I can hold your handsJust one day, if I can be with youJust one day If only we can be together"

All The Colour In My LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora