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"This is too hard, is this path right for me

I am confused,Never leave me alone,I still believe even though it's unbelievable,To lose your path,Is the way to find that path"

-Lost by BTS

Naruto watched as the Sun peaked in through the clouds, its ray finally awake. She looked around at the training ground. She had to meet Sasuke here and she had arrived super early. Not having anything to do, she stuck to leaning against a tree and training her senses. She closed her eyes and located the sounds of birds, swaying trees and blowing wind.

Soon, she felt a chakra signature nearby and she pushed herself off the tree. She wore her usual attire. But she had left her cloak at home. She watched as the black hair of the Uchiha emerged, followed by his face and then his body. She walked up to him to the middle of the ground and smiled softly.

"Morning, Sasuke." She said and he replied with a nod. They both quickly took their fighting stance and got ready. Sasuke charged at her first, using only taijutsu and she blocked his attack. They both kept exchanging blows, their hands and legs a mere blur. Sasuke skidded back as she found an opening and landed a powerful kick on him. He stood his ground and the next thing she knew, he was making handseals. She smirked at him and waited until he launched his jutsu.

"Katon: Goryuka no Jutsu! Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique!" As he said this, flames burst out his mouth in the form of a large dragon. Naruto watched as the dragon neared her, she whispered. "Suiton: Bakusui Shoha. Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave." She punched the ground as a huge wave shot out, extinguishing the fire. Sasuke raised his eyebrow, he hadn't seen her make the hand seals. He smirked as he started making handseals for another attack. She watched him carefully and she smiled when she noticed the handseals. She jumped back and waited for his attack as a plan formulated in her mind.

"Raiton: Shichu Shibari! Lightning Release: Four Pillars Bind!" He said as four pillars emerged from the ground, trapping her. She smirked as she hid from his vision and brought her hands up in her favourite seal. She left her clone there and disappeared in the blink of an eye. As the lightning died down she looked at Sasuke. He had his eyes wide open and was watching fearfully. She hid behind the pillar and watched his face with amusement. As he neared the pillars, she stood still. He looked inside and took a step back.

Naruto had created a blood clone and it was lying on the ground lifelessly. Sasuke neared it and as he crouched down, he called out, "Naruto." After getting no reply he shook the clone, his body visibly tensing. He looked in horror at the figure that lay in front of him. His heart was beating erratically and his mind was a haze. As he turned her over, he didn't notice a small whispered jutsu and the pillars descending into the earth. He just sat there, looking at who he believed was Naruto. His mouth felt dry and as he shook his head to make sense of it, the clone disappeared with a loud poof. His head snapped up and his onyx orbs met with endless blue ones. Naruto smiled and gave him her hand to help him stand up. As she pulled him forward, he gained control and she soon found herself in a warm embrace. Her face heated up and she felt him rest his head on her shoulder.  He whispered slowly, "Don't ever do that again, dobe."

Her eyes widened as her heart picked its pace. Wrong! Her mind screamed at her but something was telling her to hold tighter. And she hid her face in his chest, inhaling the deep and intoxicating scent of her teammate. This wasn't the kind of hug they would give each other when they were kids. It was...something more. She took a deep breath and whispered back, "I won't, teme." Somehow, this contact felt so satisfying. So comfortable. So needed. So blissfully wrong yet so painfully right.

Sasuke had the same things going on in his mind. He had his arms full of a girl who had given him light. A girl who had become his sunshine in the day and his shadow at night. A girl who had painted his world with the brightest colours when it had been dipped in a bleeding grey. After his clan had been massacred by his own brother, his world had been void of colours till she tipped the paint over. She had made him realize what bonds meant. What love meant. What life meant.

He inhaled her scent. It smelled like a fresh breath between trees. Like the pressure had been lifted somehow and he was standing in the middle of a forest. The damp soil. The fresh leaves of spring. The scent of the air itself. He smiled softly as her hands rested softly on his chest. He was sure she could hear his heartbeat, it felt so loud to him. He slowly let go of her and noticed as her face was flushed red. The colour of blood lingered on her cheeks and she tried to hide it with the back of her hand, all the while looking down.

He leaned down and brought a finger below her chin, lifting up her face. He felt trapped as he gazed into her impossibly blue eyes and he tried to memorize every glitter. Every sliver of the emotion in them. She met his gaze equally mesmerized by the depths of his steel grey eyes. She blinked and took a step back, turning around so that her blushing face wouldn't be visible to him. Her heart was beating painfully fast and she could hear the rush of her blood. Sparing a glance or two at her teammate, she gulped and said, "I'll... I enjoyed training, Sasuke." She took a shaky breath in. "Let's do this again sometime." And with that, she bolted for her house.

She looked up as she watched the monument. It had been her dream. To become Hokage. To earn everyone's acceptance. To surpass the Fourth. But now... She let out a sigh. Now she didn't know what to do. One day she's wandering over the world, the next she's back home. One moment she's battling enemies, the next moment she's battling herself. She stood up on the roof, her hair swaying slowly with the wind. She had gone all out and grown out her hair. The blonde locks now cascaded into beautiful waves, down to her ankles. The Toad-Sannin had told her that her mother had long hair and she had decided to grow it out herself. She ran a hand through them.

She watched as the lights of Konoha twinkled in the black night. She smiled a small smile and jumped down. Opting to walk back to her apartment instead of teleporting. She walked through the empty streets of Konoha, her path illuminated by the moon. It was ironic, how she knew one path but was clueless about the other. She had no dream to be specific but she had one goal. Protect Konoha. And she was doing it. She was trying her best.

She thought about the offer Kakashi sensei had presented. ANBU. She could become one. And a good one at that. She stopped walking as she wondered, why was she protecting Konoha? A village that hated her guts. People that saw her as nothing but the demon. She shrugged, unable to answer the question. But she knew deep down. Her parents had lived here. They had died for this place and she wasn't going to let their sacrifice go to waste. So she would protect Konoha. She would give her everything to this village. She had a goal now.

She started walking again, a confidence in her step and didn't notice the black eyes staring at her retreating figure.

"Lost my way,Constantly pushing without rest,Within the harsh rainstorms,Lost my way,Within a complicated world without an exit,Lost my way,I wander,I want to believe in my path"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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