Zane's Crush (Is this a good title IDK)

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So, this has been ready to be published for a few weeks now, but I hate everything I do (especially breathe). So I wanted to re-write everything... Like two times. Yeah, so enjoy.

Zane's POV

I and Cadence were talking and catch up. So far I've learned that she and Jack "broke up". She said they're still technically together, but Jack's father really doesn't like anything he does. I can relate to that. "So, have you ever wanted to ask out Kawaii~Chan?" Cadence bluntly asked.

I turn red, "Uhh... Wh-where did that come from!?"

"I mean, do you still like her as more than a friend?"

"Uh, n-no..." The fact that I'm a stuttering mess right now isn't helping me. Cadence isn't like Garroth at all. She actually pays attention to things.

"Zane, you're blushing bright red and stuttering. Don't think you can hide that from me," She spoke, "I'm not like Garroth you know."

"I know, but just because I'm blushing doesn't mean anything!"


"Fine, I do like Kawaii~Chan."

"Wow, you hardly even denied that." she had the same face she did when she asked me about me and Kawaii~Chan the first time when she moved here.

"Well, uh..." I have no idea what she's going to do. Hopefully not anything too crazy, like trying to get me on a date with her... Irene knows I'd have no idea what to do.

"I'm going to teach you how to ask out Kawaii~Chan," Cadence said, looking happy as ever.

"How are you going to do that, and have you ever asked someone out?"

"Well you'll see, and yes, I have asked out multiple people... too many people."


"If you don't want me to, then Laurence could help you."

"Nevermind, I'm sure you can help me!"

"Yay, you believe in me!"

I sigh, "Let's just get this over with."

This was completely horrible. I honestly hope you liked it.

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