|2| Timeline Troubles

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|▪ frisk is a girl, fite me!▪|

In a different universe, a short skeleton monster prowled around, he was in a bad situation.

He was in a battle with a human, blood was coming out of the human's mouth, they both seemed tired. The skeleton didn't have a scratch on them, however.

The skeleton, got hit by the human's attack, that seemed to have finished him off. He fell down, he appeared extremely exhausted, the human prepared another attack.

"Really sans? Laying on the ground in the middle of a battle?" The human mocked, "either your stupid... or you really want to die.... or you're still just a lazy, good for nothing, stupid, son of a-" she attacked but at the last moment he moved.

"watch it, kiddo." He spoke, he was behind her, she leaped at him again, his eye out up a cyan color. It was the same color as his jacket, then the human glowed that same color, with a smooth wrist movement the skeleton fliked the child across their battle field.

The human prepared yet another attack, the skeleton teleported again but this time, something went wrong. When he landed, he was in Dreamland, he knew something was wrong from the beginning because he saw the sun...

The sun?!

"Where am I?" He asked himself looking around at all the monsters, walking along, going about their daily routine.

"Your in DreemLand, little boy!" A man states, he had a huge smile, with lots of black eyeliner and a purple face. He sort have looked like a clown or... a jester.

"Who the hell are you calling 'little Boy'?" Sans asked, "I'm a grown ass monster!"

He storms off, the jester stared, "some kids are brats!" He moved on.

Sans was walking through the streets of "DreemLand", he's never heard of this place so he was somewhat unsure of where he was, or how he would get back.

He walked up to a woman, "excuse me ma'am, do you have dierctions to snowdin?" The woman looked at him like he was out of his mind. "Oh, sans... I think paparyus was looking for you earlier... where'd you get that jacket?"

Then it hit him this was going to be a lot harder than he initialy thought.

He would have to find the paparyus of this world and explain what happened. Even though paparyus is so dense, it might be a challenge to explain it to him. It probably would kill him to try, and he's not getting out without someone's help.

He asked around quite a few people knew who the two brothers were, things he had picked up from conversations, were in this universe their are three kingdoms, they have feudalism and him and paparyus are peasants.

"I wonder if King Fluffy Buns is still in charge?" Sans thought aloud. He came up to a small wooden house, with a tall skeleton outside, watering a garden.

"Paparyus!" Sans runs up to his brother, the taller skeleton turns around looking down at his brother.

"Oh, sans... where did you get that jacket?" Why did his jacket stick out so much?

"I'll explain later, right now..." he opened his jacket to show the aftermath of Frisk's attack.

Paparyus' eye sockets and mouth gasped open, sans winced when the cool air brushed against his injury. "Brother... what happened?" Paparyus sounded scared.

"I'm not your brother..." sans stated, to which paparyus flinched.

"Wh-What?" Paparyus began to look sad and confused.

"I mean... I'm not from here..." sans said, stumbling back.

"Sans, we need to get you medical help... Your becoming delirious." Paparyus reached out for him, Sans yanked his hand away from paparyus, causing him to stumble back even more, colliding with the hard, ground. Paparyus walked over to his "brother", picking him up and slinging him over his shoulder. "Dr. Alphys will know what to do."

Sans came to, in a brightly lit room, his 'eyes' stung due to the harsh lighting. He tried to raise his hand to cover his face but his a cuff around his carpals restricted movement.

"... The hell?!" He observed the cuffs and chains further.

"Language!" A small voice demanded.

"Alphys?" Sans looked at the small, yellow, dinosaur lady.

"D-Dr. Alphys." She shyly corrected, she was adorable.

"Where's Undyne?" Sans joked forgetting about where he was.

The yellow woman looked at him puzzled, "Who's Undyne?"

Then it hit him, "Oh right... I'm in the wrong Timeline..."

"Wrong." Alphys said, "Dimension. Not timeline."

Sans looked confused, "huh?"

"You and the Sans from here, must been manipulating your timelines at the same time causing the space-time-contiunium to glitch out and 'fix' itself. Meaning your now here and Sans from here is in your world." Alphys said. It all sounded like something out of a sy-fi movie but it was coming from the royal scientist.

"Hope he can fight." Sans snickered, Alphys disregarded that comment.

"I-I worked on your i-injury, too." She said as she rustled through the multiple papers and items on her cluttered desk. "Aha!" She laughed, triumphantly, holding up a key.

Walking over to Sans, with it in hand, "hold still, please." She said, undoing his cuffs. "I had to restrain you because your brother made it sound like you were going crazy."

"I'm sure it sounded that way to him." Sans said, rubbing his wrists.

"Yeah, it would've to me if Dr. Ga-" she cough as if having chocked on something, "I-I mean... uhh... t-the book I've been reading. It's about alternate dimensions and space time..."

Sans didn't trust that but decided to go along with it.

"I'm sure your brothers w-worried... You should go back and l-let him know you're alright... I mean you've been out for a-a while."

Sans looked up at her, "how long?" He asked, alphys rubbed the back of her head.

"Three days."

|▪short chapter▪|

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