|12| Fearful family

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"Anna and Gorgon did what?!" Your dad shouted.

"Shit!" Anna cursed, she had been caught, but she would not give her brother up so quickly, he just had to nor screw up.

Gloria grabbed the snake-like female, by her arms and placed handcuffs on her wrists. Handing her off to the palace gaurds, who threw her in a dungeon cell.

Bad news, the guard noticed Sans and Paparyus were missing. When the alerted the king about it, he wasn't really worried, since Scott had mentioned Charlotte, sans and Paparyus being threatened by Gorgon.

Your father sent for the royal guards to search the entire palace, for Sans, Gorgon, Charlotte, Paparyus, your and your mother.

Gorgon had retreated once more to behind the garden, you saw him and began to try and raise up. You fought against your restraints trying to free yourself.

"(Y/n)!" He said, running over to you, "Please, Don't the cuffs night hurt you." He said holding the side of your face.

"Let us go, please." You squeaked, it was just barely a whisper. Talking was so painful, if was the physical equivalent of nails on a chalkboard, but in your throat.

"Shh..." He smiled, "You know I can't do that. Don't worry I won't hurt you, Anna has been taken by your dad and I just need to use you and your mom as hostages to get her back."

"You're sick!" You spat.

Gorgon leaned down and kissed you, you fought against him, but there wasn't much you could do. His long, snakey tounge moved into your mouth, you but down as hard as you could, making him retreat. He raised up, sticking out his hurt tounge.

"Your still upset with me I get it, but all that stuff I did my sister made me do... She is selfish and cruel, but she is stronger than me so I do what she says. I love you and I know you don't feel the same, but please at least give me a chance to prove myself." He said, looking behind him at the ground.

Was he serious? How could you tell? He had lied up until now, how do you know if this was a lie?

You looked at him, unsure yet a side of you wanted to trust him. You wanted to believe that the guy who crawled through your window and made you laugh was the guy that just kissed you...

Then again the more logical side, didn't... Damn it, logan! That side wanted to punch him and run to the the others who had always been there for you, like Charlotte, your dad and Sans. 

Gorgon walked into the shed, leaving you alone, you looked over at your mom, only to be met with her dark blue eyes.

Your face lit up the moment You saw her looking at you. "Mom?" You whispered, "You're okay...?" Tears began to fall down your cheeks.

You were so happy to see that she was awake and okay. The tears of joy confused her, she saw your mouth move, but she didn't hear what you said... She could not hear anything. Gorgon and Anna, when they knocked her out to kidnap her permanently damaged her hearing. She, however, just smiled, like nothing was wrong.

The guards had found Sans and Paparyus in your room, but no sign of Charlotte. Sans and his brother were brought to the royal physician to receive first aid. The royal physician deemed them perfectly fine, they were just unconscious. They were laid on stretchers and watched by the guards.

The king was taking no chances, he didn't want to lose you or your mother. Still, he was even worried for Charlotte, he knew she would do anything in her power for you, and that really worried your father.

Gloria made breakfast that morning and was not surprised when only the children showed up to eat. Scott had big bags under his eye's, he had been patrolling with the guards the night before. He was too scared that something bad would happen to you.

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