|5| Skeletons in the broom closet

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You had been escorted to the guest room where you and your sister would be staying in. Apparently, their castle didn't have as many guest rooms as your did.

You had trouble sleeping for some reason, all you could think of was the strange door. If curiosity killed that cat, then better hope your not part feline, because damn it you were gonna find out.

You got up, once you knew your sister was asleep. You snuck out, going down the long, winding staircase, you couldn't see much due to it being very dark. You stumbled around trying to be quiet, until you heard something clashing around, you hoped it wasn't you.

You knew for sure it wasn't you when a door shut, in front of you, then a light switch flipped on in the room behind you.

You still didn't know what room you were in, so you followed the direction of the sound of the shutting door and ran into it, quietly closing it.

You got sort of uneasy when you hit your head on the wall and heard a chuckle.

The unknown person cleared their throat, "Sorry, Sorry."

They reached up and turned on the light, showing that you were in a broom closet. You looked at the person, he was a skeleton, with a cyan jacket? That was strange.

"I guess the Dreamurr's have a few skeletons in their closets.." You joked.

"Hey. I was gonna say that!" He whispered, in a playfully upset tone.

"S-Sans?" Another voice whispered from outside the door, "S-Sans, where a-are you?"

He groaned, "Well, the doctor calls." He said turning of the light and opening the door.

"T-there you are!" A small monster in a lab coat stuttered, she gasped when you walked out behind the skeleton. "Princess (y/n)!" She said nervously and bowed, the skeleton looked at her and then back at you.

"Wait, your a princess? I thought you were just help." He said, "besides you don't look like the rest of the royal fluffybuns here."

The scientist looked up at him, "Sans. Be nice! She's the heir of the district, she's not from here." She said, looking back at you. "We can finish this conversation in the lab, Sans. Come on, Good night, princess." The scientist pulled sans away.

"Wait, they didn't say anything about a lab." You said, following behind them.

"Oh, Yeah? You can't really miss it, big metal, double doors at the end of an empty hallway." Sans, the skeleton, said.

"That's what those-!" Sans clapped a boney hand over your mouth, "Ey! Princess big mouth, quiet!" He whispered harshly.

"Sans!" The scientist gasped.

"Alphys, she'll blow our cover! I am not supposed to be here, remember?" Sans snapped.

"You're not? Why not?" Sans dragged you down the hallway.

"My dad ruined that for me..." He said, you stopped at the door and waited for Alphys to catch up.

She did and unlocked the doors, they opened top to bottom not side to side like you would have imagined, the three of you slipped through the door.

You stared in awe, the room was filled with huge computers and colorful elixers.

It was a lab!

"Why would they tell me not to worry about a lab?" You thought a loud.

"I-It's a long story..." is all Alphys answered with, Sans looked at her with a strange looked, she just shook her head at him.

You spent a good while, talking to Sans and Alphys, they were really nice and funny, but your time was interrupted when your phone dinged.

[Good morning, princess. ; )]

"Good morning?" You asked, looking at the time, "Oh my god! It's six in the morning!... I gotta go, bye guys." You said tucking your phone back into your pocket and took off out the metal double doors. You wanted to at least be out of the hallway, so you ran until you were through it but then, when you turned the corner, you collided with something soft and fluffy.

You stumbled back to see, what you had ran into, Asriel. He turned around, "princess (y/n)?" He asked sleepily.

"S-Sorry, Asriel... I-I tripped." You lied, he rubbed his eyes and yawned, "O-Okay..."

You began to walk past him, when a strong pair of arms grab you. "There you are!" It was the Queen, "we had wondered where you ran off to."

"O-oh I got lost... trying to find the dinning hall.." You were lieing a lot today.

Queen Toriel smiled, "Oh? I'm sorry, is that how you found Asriel, this morning?" Her voice was sweet yet threatening.

"She just tripped and bumped into me, mom. Chill out." Asriel groaned, walking past the two of you.

"Is that the case?" She started to scare you, just a little.

"Yes ma'am." You nodded, "like I said Asriel, I'm very sorry." You rushed past them both then.

You took a seat at the table and took the time to actually text Gorgon back. You felt bad about forgetting to text him back, but it being so late startled you.

Your dad walked up behind you, unbeknownst to you, he peered over your shoulder at your phone. "Talking to Gorgon are we?" He said in your ear, making you jump, "Dad!" You groaned.

He laughed, "sorry, sorry." He patted you on the head and took his seat at the table. Asriel sat down beside you, "Who's Gorgon?" He asked, setting down two mugs of coffee, one for him and the other one he put down in front of you.

"Gorgon is her Husband~." Scott said, smirking from across the table.

"You're married but aren't you like fifteen?!"

"I'm nineteen!... and no, I'm not married, though he is my boyfriend." You said, looking at your brother, who seemed content with himself.

"Oh..." Asriel said taking a long sip of coffee. Your mom and sister took their seats and the maids began to bring out your breakfest.

You saw one maid, slip down the stairs, heading towards the lab. The thought hit you once more, 'why would they want to keep a lab secret?'

You thought of Sans and him saying he wasn't supposed to be here, is he why?

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