|6|Sneaky Skeletons

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|▪i try to give Gorgon the "Excuse me, princess" attitude that link has in whatever that was... it was like a legend of Zelda cartoon or something?▪|

After breakfast, you broke off from everyone else and went into the garden. Gorgon FaceTimed you, ironically, he wanted to know what kind of flowers were your favorite.

It wasn't that strange, he had been asking random questions over text messages, since you left. Just minor stuff though like your favorite animal, your favorite color, which do you like better cinnamon or buttersotch?

You showed him a rose bush, he laughed when he realized you were in a garden, "The garden at your palace is way prettier!"

That caused you to laugh, "almost every thing here is gold, though." You protested, sitting on a bench.

"Maybe that's why their in such bad debt..." Gorgon said, playing in his dark green hair.

"What do you mean in debt?" You asked, it was pretty much self explanatory, though.

"Dreemland is the poorest of all three kingdoms." He said, "basic knowlegde, princess." His teasing nickname, made you scoff, he could Be cocky at times.

You saw Gorgon squint and try to dicpher something behind you, you turned around, "what are you looking at?"

"Someone was there, (y/n)." He said, he sounded worried.

"Asriel? Scott? Hello?" You called, but fortunately no one answered.

"Who's Asriel?" He asked with a hint of jam and jelly.

"The prince of Dreamland, he seems nice... He thought I was fifteen, though..." Gorgon laughed at that. "What you don't think I look that young, do you?"

"Eh? You've definitely have a baby face." He laughed, when he looked back at the screen he gasped, "(y/n)! Behind you!"

You jumped and turned around to see Sans, "oh hey, your highness." He waved.

"Its just you." You sighed in relif, "you know him?!" Gorgon asked, frantically.  It was obvious the skeleton had startled him.

"Yeah, he's cool." You ensured Gorgon, Sans looked at the Snake boy, skeptically.

"Who's this?" Sans asked, you looked up at him and hummed, "Oh Sans, this is my boyfriend Gorgon, Gorgon this is my new friend Sans." You said, unaware that you hit nerves in both boys.

"Lucky guy." Sans mumbled.

"Hmm?" You looked back at him, he shook his head, "nothing."

"Hermano, vas alli ahora, por favor!" You heard Anna yell at him.

"S-Sí, Sí, hermana!" He yelled back, "I gotta go, bye." He hung up in a hurry.

"Well, I see who wears the pants in that family..." Sans said, snickering.

"Anna, his sister, is pretty nice from what I've seen." You said, "well, for some reason, he seems pretty scared of her... What they even say?" He looked at you.

"Not sure, I don't speak a second language." You said.

"Yo tampoco." Sans said, teasing you, you shove him and laugh. He was funny, you could give him that, maybe that's because he has an uncovered humerus. (Sorry.)

Later at dinner, you were all sitting at the table in the seats you sat in at breakfast. Asriel strolls in and sits next to you, "Hey, I heard you asked about the door." He whispered.

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