|8| Accusations

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"I-I was assaulted." You chocked out, fighting back hot tears that stung your eyes. Saying it outloud was harder than you thought it'd be.

"WHAT?!" Everyone jumped eyes wide with shock.

"Who was it? Why'd they do it? Who all know's? Was it in the castle or in a village? Did the press get wind of it?" Charlotte and Gloria bombard you with questions and hug you, you knew they would over react.

"It was that asshole wasn't it?!" Gorgon accused Sans, pointing a finger and a disgusted look, "you'll pay you skele-freak!"

"Hey, Medusa. Listen to the rest of the story." Sans snaps, rolling his eyes and looks at you, for you to continue.

"No, no, Sans saved me." You said, "Prince Asriel did it, he would have done worse if Sans hadn't done something and held him back. He came at the right time and really helped me."

"I just held him back, nothing special. He had the knife I had his hand... until (y/n) punched him." Sans smirked, "now that was cool!"

"I just had to get him off of me, I was terrified, it was really just fight or flight."

Gorgon sighed, "I'm glad your okay." He hugged you.

"But wait, you said if Sans hadn't have held him back he would have done worse... implying he did do something." Gloria said.

You nodded and slightly moved down the collar of your dress, showing the blood stained bandage. Everyone winces roughly, "does it hurt?" Charlotte said, you nod, "Yeah, a little."

"Speaking of, it probably needs to be swapped out, you don't want an infection, princess." Sans said.

"I'll go get the medical suppilies!" Charlotte rushes off, shutting the door, loudly behind her. Gloria proceeds to take off the bandage to see the slash the knife made in your chest.

"That's gonna leave a scar..." she winced, "I'm just glad I'll live to see the scar. I thought he was gonna kill me." You said, looking at the scar in a mirror.

Gorgon walked over to Sans, "thanks, I guess and I'm sorry for accusing you, but it's obvious you don't belong here." Sans froze.

"Uhh, what?" He asked, Gorgon nodded, "Yeah, it's obvious your of a lower social class."

That made Sans uneasy, he nodded, "yeah, I am... but that doesn't mean, I'd hurt an innocent woman." He laughed, "I mean I'm not a human."

Charlotte came back into the room with a small white box, "alright, I'm back!" She ran over to where you and Gloria were.

"Yeah, but it's so strange that a prince would attack her." Why did everyone keep saying that, as if being born into a royal family would ever make a difference if someone was insane or even unhappy.

'People in this timeline are crazy or maybe just stupid' Sans thought to himself. "Yeah but-"

"Anyway, thanks for helping her, even though I'm sure the royal guards had it covered." Gorgon waved and walked over to you, Gloria was putting medicine on the cut, it hurt really bad, you held Charlotte's hand tightly. Then you felt a hand on your back, you looked up with a pained expression to see Gorgon smiling, that made you smile.

Okay, Sans wasn't very pleased with that, he looked over to see Gorgon comforting you '... So maybe he wasn't a dick on purpose...?'

Sans smiled slightly and went to go find Paparyus, leaving the room, it got suddenly really quiet. Gorgon and Gloria looked at each other then at you, "did he really save you or is that just what he's making you say?" Gloria harshly whispered.

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