1 more day

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                                                   --------------------- Max's Pov-------------------------------

Tomorrow I'll be seeing El, 1 more day. The plan was that everyone went to Mikes house since that's were El will be staying the first few days. The party decided everyone would sleep over at Mike's place, since it's a pretty big house. I packed some pj's and a toothbrush. I got a sweater and some jeans on. I got a box and put all the candies I got for El in it, I then wrapped up that box. I headed to Mike's house. I rung the doorbell and entered. "Hi, Mike." "Hey, you okay?" he asked "Yeah I'm fine, more than fine. Can't wait to see El again!" I replied "Yeah, me neither." he said. I walked in. Lucas already arrived but Dustin wasn't there yet. I greeted Mrs. Wheeler and then put down my present to El next to the Christmas Tree, it was three days before Christmas. I hung out with the group for a while and waited, I was so excited.

-------------------------------------Eleven's POV----------------------------------------

I woke up, and Joyce asked me to start packing my stuff. I took out an old suitcase that Joyce gave me, and packed it with enough clothes for a week. I packed my toothbrush, my walkie-talkie, and the presents I got for my friends. At the same time Will was packing. "Excited?" asked Will. "Definitely!" I replied. Joyce asked us if we were done and we were. I had breakfast, and asked when we will leave the house. "Tomorrow at 7:30 a.m, so make sure to get up early!" I set an alarm, and lied down on my room. I couldn't wait to see my friends again.

------------------------------------Mike's POV--------------------------------------------------

We didn't really do much while waiting for Eleven. I've waited so long and now I'll see her in 1 day. Dustin arrived to the house, and now we were only waiting for Will and El. The group and I mostly talked about our Christmas presents while we were waiting for El. Then it was our bed time, I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Eleven.

----------------------------Eleven's POV-------------------------------------

I woke up really early, I was so tired but excited at the same time. I got my clothes on and grabbed my suitcase. I got in the car, and we drove. It was gonna be a long drive to Hawkins. Will and I were talking about what we'd do in Hawkins to pass time. This was a really long drive, luckily we had snacks for on the way. After an hour or so, I saw the sign, Entering Hawkins. I was so excited. Soon enough it was 10:00 a.m, and I saw Mike's house. We got out of the car and ready to see our friends again.

-----------------------------------------------Max's POV----------------------------------

I got up at 8:00 a.m. I asked Mike when El was supposed to arrive, he wasn't sure. I guess now we just needed to wait. I got dressed, and waited. I wondered what I'd do, should I tell El about my feelings? I don't want to lose my best friend, I hope she still likes me.  It seemed like it took forever for them to arrive. I was just laying down looking at some magazine when I heard it, the doorbell. We all rushed upstairs and Mike opened the door. Finally, I saw Eleven, she looked even prettier than last time. She was wearing a dress with paint splatters on it, and her hair was so much longer, it looked really pretty. I can't believe she's finally here. 

(So, here's the reunion, next time they will really get reunited though! Hope you guys are enjoying so far! Sorry if it sucks, lol.) 

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