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"Don't Rich." Eddie held his best friend back from attacking Bowers. The two were walking to class when Henry had approached them and called Eddie an asthmatic faggot who had no life but for clinging to his "boyfriend" (richie.) This had happened only minutes ago, before Richie could knock the living shit out of Bowers, Eddie had stopped him.

"No! That asshole has no right to call you shit!"

"Richie calm down! I'm fine, I didn't get hurt right? He just said some stupid shit that's not true."

"But Ed-"

"No buts, just calm down, alright? I don't want you to get hurt.."

Richie sighed. "Please.."

Eddie shook his head.

Richie sighed. "I just want you to be okay...why can't they stop?"

"It's okay. I'm alright. And I don't know. Some people just are like that. They have fun in bringing others down I guess."

"Yeah so basically this whole school's like that. God, Eds, I'm so tired of this fucking town. I'm so tired.." Richie sank to the floor of lockers. The halls were mostly empty due to the fact that class had already started. The only people who were out there with Richie and Eddie were people that were getting things for class out of their lockers or others pretending to go to the bathroom when really they just roamed the halls, hoping class would be over by the time they got back.

Eddie sat next to the raven haired boy.

"Me too."

"Do you think we'll even live to graduate?"

Eddie laughed. "I'm sure we will."

He nodded. "Good, cause dying would suck. If I died I wouldn't see my favorite person on earth anymore."

Eddie smiled. "Hey if you die then I die with-"

"I was talking about your mother, you know that right?"

Eddie rolled his eyes and elbowed Richie. "Fuck you Richie."

"I'm joking!" Richie laughed. "And I would like to see you try." He grinned.

Eddie's face turned a bright shade of red.

"You're jokes aren't funny you know that right?" Eddie shook his head.

"Aw Eds, don't be butthurt. Come on. Just a simple joke. I'm sorry." Richie wrapped his arm around the boy and ruffled his hair.

Eddie rolled his eyes once again.

"Hey, if I'm gonna live in this miserable town, at least I have you."

Eddie smiled. Richie could be a pain in the ass, but he never meant anything stupid he said. He always made up for his mistakes. One time he had broken Stan's bike, not on purpose of course, the next day he had bought him a new one even if it cost him all of his allowance.

"Yeah. Do you think we'll always have each other?" Eddie asked. He didn't ever want to leave Richie's side. He had spent so much time with Richie that it felt as if the boy was a part of Eddie now.

"Of course we will! We always have had each other and we will until we're old!" Richie ruffled the boy's hair once again.

Eddie smiled sadly. He wished it were true. They would graduate soon, go to different colleges, which would separate them. Eventually their friendship would just be a fading memory. They would both be just names lying around in each other's heads, buried deep in the back of their minds. Eddie was scared of that, scared that one day Richie would move on and forget him forever. He wanted to grow old with the boy, he wanted to travel the world with him, but he knew that wouldn't happen. He could already feel Richie slowly slipping from his fingers.

• • •

Eddie lay on Beverly's floor, staring up at her ceiling,which was covered in glow in the dark stars. She loved astronomy, she had once told Eddie it was her dream to one day study the whole universe.

"Hey, Eddie?" The red-head asked.

"Yeah?" Eddie asked looking up at the girl who was sketching a portrait of Eddie.

"Do you think we'll make it out of this town? I don't know how much longer I can stand him..." She was talking about her father, Alvin. All he ever did was beat the poor girl while her mother was out working because he was too much of a drunk for a job. Not only was he abusive but he also always brought down Beverly, which led her to believe she was useless as he always said. The only thing that kept her going was that one tiny hope of graduating and leaving the nasty town behind her, forever.

"Of course we will. Especially you, you'll get into a great college, be a great successful independent woman and live to be a legend."

Beverly smiled. "You really think so?"

"I know so." Eddie smiled at the red-head.

"If I don't happen to get into a college..and if things get worse, you'll take me with you right? To wherever your going after your done with this shithole?"

"Sure, and I won't have to, you have a higer chance of getting out of here than I do."

"You promise?"

Eddie nodded. "I pinky swear."

Beverly smiled as Eddie linked both their pinkies together.

Eddie tried to keep his promise, he did, but sometimes things don't go as planned.

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