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Richie's eyes slowly opened, sunlight blinded him a little. He groaned.

It took him a few minutes to realize he  was in back in his room. Earlier, he'd been at the hospital, his mother had taken him home, that's all he could remember before he passed out again.

He sat in bed for a while, his whole body hurting. It wasn't long before his mother came in to give him pain killers the doctor had told him to take.

"You feeling okay?" She asked.

Richie shrugged. "Could be better." He mumbled.

"Those boys are expelled from school and are facing matters with the law. I hope you know you'll be safe honey."

"I don't think I'll ever be safe in this town, Mom."

She sighed and kissed his forehead. "Don't say that.."

"Is Eddie okay?" Richie asked, changing the subject about town.

His mother nodded. "I called Sonia, she said he had injuries but was doing okay."

Richie let out a breath of relief. That's all he needed to know, if his best friend was okay.

"Can I go see him?" Richie asked.

"Maybe tomorrow. You should rest now. I'll be downstairs if you need me." She smiled and walked out of her son's room, worrying about him with every step she took.

• • •

Maggie had finally agreed to Richie leaving the house to visit Eddie. He was able to walk, it just hurt his sides whenever he did. So it took a while before he had reached the boy's house. Richie was excited, yet also worried. He was hoping to tell Eddie a plan of his, he'd had this plan go a while, in the back of his mind, he only thought of it late at night when sleep had turned against him.

Richie took a deep breath before knocking on the Kaspbrak household.

Sonia answered. "Tozier. What do you want?" Her voice was harsh and her glare gave Richie the chills.

"Is Eddie home?" Richie asked as politely as he could.

"Yes he is, but don't you even think about coming near my boy. If he wasn't hanging around you he wouldn't have gotten hurt!" She started closing the door.

Richie stopped her. "Please Mrs Kaspbrak. I need to see if he's okay...he's my best friend.."

"You're the one that got him into this mess in the first place!" She yelled.

"No I didn't! I was trying to protect him!"

"Well looks like you didn't do a good job!"

"Is he okay?.." Richie asked, his heart sinking.

"He'll be fine. Just leave."

"No. I won't leave. Not until I see him."

"Leave Tozier!"

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