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to cal; from nia-we need to talk

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to cal; from nia
-we need to talk

to nia; from cal
-what about?

to cal; from nia
-i don't want to do this over the phone, i'll see you when you get home

"fuck". calum swore under his breath as he tucked his phone back in his pocket. those kind of messages were never good. they lead to two things: someone was in trouble, or someone had died. calum had already gotten one of those messages this year from his mum. his father had passed away after battling cancer for almost five years. he died peacefully in his sleep, but left a storms worth of mess within the hood family.

calum had been through enough within the first five months of the new year. not only with the passing of his father, he turned twenty three, which for him, is a big mile stone considering he never thought that he'd make it this far in life. there was also the suffocating factor of the boys' highly anticipated fourth album. with only one song out and barely anything done, it was causing a lot of stress to the band, calum more than anyone.

music was all he had. he knew some of the boys had other things that kept them busy and or fulfilled. michael was getting into the dj scene, luke with his incredible good looks was being scouted by modeling agencies all over the world, and everyone just knew ashton was so content with himself that he wasn't too worried. but calum, he didn't have much.

after giving up soccer to join the band, he knew that this was what he wanted, and he wasn't willing to just give up, but it was starting to feel that way after youngblood was released, and the boys had to start from scratch. new look, new sound, new music, everything. it was tearing him apart from the inside out, and everyone knew it.

the only thing keeping him together was nia. he'd somehow managed to keep a his relationship with the hey violet drummer private for a good year and a half. nothing made him more happy than she did, except for their shared puppy duke, but other than that, all calum had was music, his dog and his girl.

"you alright mate," ashton asked. calum sighed as he fell back into the couch. "i got a text from nia, she says we need to talk when i get back home." he groaned. "did you leave your dirty underwear on the floor again?" ashton teased. "i hope it's just that." he said. calum strummed away on his guitar, hoping something would come to him in this desperate time of creation.

"i'm sure everything is alright. you two have been pretty solid these past couple months." this wasn't the first time nia sent that text. during the youngblood tour, nia had sent it and was trying to break up with him. calum had begged nia on his hands and knees not to leave him, that she was the only thing that kept him going, and if she broke up with him, he'd never be able to make it another day.

granted that it was the sign of manipulation, nia should've gotten out of the relationship. but because of how much she loved the boy, she decided to stay with him and keep trying within their relationship.
even though it was killing her from the inside out.
"yeah i guess, i just hate getting those text messages. like doesn't she know that's gonna cause me so much fucking stress and anxiety to wait till i get home?" calum said.

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