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calum went home that night with the biggest smile on his face

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calum went home that night with the biggest smile on his face. he hadn't been that happy in a while, and it felt really good. when he made it back to the apartment, roy was in his signature spot on the couch, strumming on his guitar, drinking a bottle of wine. "look who's in a good mood?" roy said.

"you could say that." calum said as he took a sip of the wine. "where were you? the guys have been blowing up my phone looking for you." roy said. "i went to see ariana." roy sat up from his spot with wide eyes, mouth agape. "you got to bone her? how was it, tell me everything." calum rolled his eyes at his friend.

"we didn't fuck, we just talked. i went to apologize and she let me stay and talk for a while. she's really cool and super chill." calum said. "bro, you got to stay and didn't have to pay?" roy asked. "is that so surprising?" calum said. "yeah, they have strict rules about that stuff, and nova doesn't kid around with them. ari's more lenient about it, but if they get caught breaking one of them, ricky won't be happy."

"is ricky her boyfriend or something." even though calum didn't have any feelings for ariana, he couldn't help but say those words in a jealous tone. "no, he owns the cascade, the entire franchise. i heard he's a pretty mean guy, but i've never met him." roy said. "what other rules do they have?"

calum asked. "they have to charge celebrities more, even if it's just for something minor as a blow job, they have to pay like double the amount, if celebrities come, they get the best and special treatment, and the most important ones are they can't date anyone, and they can't date customers."

"they can't date?"

"he thinks it'll ruin business, so when you sign up and you're a regular like them, you can't date." roy said. "that's fucked up." calum murmured. "i mean, they get all the dick and pussy they want, and i'm sure they've had a boyfriend or whatever on the side sometimes." roy said.

"they shouldn't be restricted from love like that, it's not fair." calum said. roy just shrugged and continued in his natural state of being anything but sober. calum went to his room and got ready for bed, when his phone started to buzz. he changed into a sweatshirt and shorts before settling down and checked to see what was up. of course there were multiple texts from the boys, and whatnot, but he was surprised to see a text from an unknown number.

he opened the text and smiled at what he'd received.

from ari- told you i'd get your number handsome ;)

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from ari- told you i'd get your number handsome ;)

calum smiled at the selfie and responded with one of his own.

from cal- not what i was expecting at all, but a very nice surprise

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from cal- not what i was expecting at all, but a very nice surprise

from ari- nice face lol

from cal- we can't all be drop dead gorgeous like you

from ari- i am anything but that

from cal- no one likes a liar ari

from ari- i'm not lying, i was just trying out some new makeup and decided to take a quick photo, i look 12 without all this on

from cal- i doubt it

from ari- to each its own hood

from cal- whatever you say grande

from ari- so i can still expect a visit from you and those gorgeous curls tomorrow?

from cal- sounds like a plan

from ari- i can just imagine you saying that with your cute little accent

from cal- my accent is not cute

from ari- everything about you is cute, especially your accent

from cal- well your american accent is cute

from ari- you should hear my italian accent, you'd never know i was born in the states

from cal- you're italian? you gonna cook me pasta when i come by

from ari- if that's what you want handsome

from cal- until tomorrow then

from ari- goodnight my little aussie boy

from cal- sweet dreams lovely

ariana couldn't help but squeal at calum's texts. she felt like a little school girl deep down. "i can't believe your fawning over some bass player in a shit band when you get fucking rappers begging for your attention." nova said. "their band isn't shit." ariana retorted. "name one song of there's that you haven't heard on the radio." ariana went silent and nova bursted into a fit of laughter.

"it doesn't matter, i've got his attention. that was the goal." ariana said. "if you just want to fuck him then why don't you do that? i'm sure he'd be willing if you encouraged." nova said, holding up a couple pills. "i'm not gonna coarse him into taking drugs, besides, everyone knows that's your thing." ariana said. "hey, a little sniff of this, and he probably would've let me fuck him." nova said.

"i have it all figured out." ariana said proudly. "oh i wanna hear this." nova teased. "so, tomorrow he's coming over and i'm gonna make him lunch, and we're gonna cuddle in bed all afternoon and drink wine and then, i'll turn on a rom-com, like 13 going on 30–"

"that movie is not as good as you say it is." nova said rolling her eyes. "whatever. but we'll watch the movie and be in each other's arms and we'll be so wine drunk one of us is bound to make a move. and we'll probably just make out or something but then he'll have had such a good, he'll have to come back like everyday and slowly fall in love with me. it's full proof." ariana said.

"sweetie, i'm telling you this because i love you. you sound like a fucking psychopath." nova said. ariana just rolled her eyes at her best friend. "besides, you know the rules, we can't date." nova reminded her. ariana just looked down and picked at the couch.

"i know but, would it be the worst thing if for once i got a guy who actually liked me for me? nova he brought me roses. none of our regulars even tell us happy birthday. calum's different and special." ariana said.

"i'm not supporting this. not only will it end horribly because that guy is a jerk, but ricky will have our ass if he finds out you even have some sort of school girl crush on him. just let him come over tomorrow and be done with him ari." nova said.

ariana couldn't help but tear up knowing nova was right. so she stopped talking and continued watching a movie, trying to get excited about the day ahead.

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