Lamb and Wolf

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Still in the cave, Priestess' POV

Right after I placed Maria on a piece of cloth next to the Cave's entrance, I quickly ran back to provide support for goblin slayer, heavy fighter and spearman. 

"Please be safe, please be safe, please be sa-"

I was interrupted by the sound of flesh getting ripped apart and a scream.

'No.. you guys can't die here..!' I said to myself while running as fast as I can towards them and as soon as I got there, I heard the knight say something before falling.

"Such weak humans cannot hope to defeat the Abyss"

'The Abyss..?'

I hid behind one of the pillars being shocked by the fact that I am looking at the bringer of death itself.  A loud thud quickly brought me back into reality and without wasting time, I quickly ran over to each of the wounded, healed their injuries and quickly dragged them towards the cave's entrance which surprisingly wasn't that far. Sir Goblin slayer was the only one able to help me since he wasn't too injured. 

We tied up the knight and placed him in a wagon along with the other party members which was easier said than done since he was like a giant and his weight also contributed to our problems.

Sometime later, Guildhall

After dealing with the knight, Maria gave us the amount of gold that was mentioned in the quest's rewards.

"I honestly can't thank you enough for helping me defeat that man," Maria said while looking at us with a grateful expression.

"No problem ma'am, we're adventurers, we help each other out," I said while smiling at her.

Before we were able to say anything else, an oddly familiar sound was heard from the Guild hall's entrance. Two guards were talking to the knight we had just captured, not long after, one of the guards was thrown towards us and was knocked unconscious as soon as he hit the wall.

The tall knight slowly walked towards us, his right arm holding his sword by the shoulder and his left arm hanging limply by his side. We unsheathed our weapons and tensed up with every step he took along with the other adventurers and when he got relatively close, He kneeled and stabbed the floor with his sword.

"Huh..?" I, along with my party members and Maria just stood there, confused as to why this once hostile knight turned into a peaceful one.

"Sir Knight..? are you okay?"

"I thank you for rescuing me from that wretched place, I am Artorias and I shall serve one of you until death."

"Oh, in that case! Maria, he's all yours!" I said while smiling.

"Of course milady, I shall atone for the sins I have committed against this woman."

The knight known as Artorias then stood up, holding his sword against his chest while the symbol of a wolf appeared in Maria's hand.

"You do know that he killed all of the people I was with right?" Maria said with an aura of death and a voice of calm anger to which Artorias reacted by lower his head due to the number of atrocious acts he has committed.

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