Dies Irae 2

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 In the Forest near Farm Girl's house, nighttime, 3rd POV

The goblins had already increased their numbers to prepare for their attack, they had found a house that was on the outskirts of the town filled with adventurers.

The goblins, numbering almost a thousand had started their offense but little did they know that there was a certain creature within their ranks that had also begun on working on its own plan.

"I call upon the powers of the Abyss... let the darkness consume all who live!"

The creature, who was no more than 6 feet tall, raised its multiple arms, creating an explosion from within its circular head, making black blood fly out and land on the goblins. The goblins that had come in contact with the creature's blood started to grow before splitting apart, creating multiple copies of itself and creating more.

The first few waves of goblins that had already set out to attack didn't know of the chaos that was occurring inside their headquarters.

At the Farm Girl's house, still in 3rd POV

The adventurers stood in their positions, awaiting their targets. Maria stood on the rooftop along with other adventurers who specialized in using ranged weapons. What made Maria stand out from the others, however, was her large crossbow.

"Hey, Maria was it? I heard some stuff about you from the priestess."

"Awe, she talks about me?"

"Yup, she even talks about how you ran towards that knight with your sword instead of shooting him with your crossbow."


Maria mentally slapped herself for that dumb move that could have cost her her life. After placing a bolt in her crossbow, Maria looked at Artorias who stood in the frontlines.

Artorias stood there, staring at his medallion which had the face of a wolf engraved onto it while his sword was on his back.

"Where are you, brother..?"

He said with a voice that an untrained ear can't hear before hiding his medallion and unsheathing his sword, making other adventurers stare at him.

"I see you're still here!" Yelled fighter who walked over to him and pat his back.

"Ah, yes.. you're one of the adventurers that helped free me, right?"

"That's me! call me the Heavy Fighter, it's been a long time since I've seen someone wielding a greatsword!"

"It isn't easy to wield a weapon, one must train in order to master it."

"I can agree with that, my friend!"

Before the conversation between the two continued, one of their scouts signaled that the goblin have arrived, the two quickly wished each other good luck in battle before going to their positions.

Artorias entered a stance, one that had his body close to the ground while he rested the sword in his back. This position almost made him hidden since most of his body was hidden by the grass. The approaching goblins have arrived and what they saw was a simple house that looked unguarded, but the adventurers saw something that would trigger their hatred, bodies of women were attached to the shields the goblins were carrying, all of them were still alive while the others were unconscious. The mages quickly cast a sleeping spell, putting the goblins in a deep slumber, after making sure that all of the goblins had fallen asleep, the adventurers on the ground next to the sleeping goblins quickly ran towards the human shields and brought them to the house, away from danger.

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