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Before you go and start auditioning for your dream company you have to train. What I mean by that you have to stand out from the others in means of talent. To do that you should train on your skills. Whether that's singing,dancing,or rapping. If your not strong in a certain area I would reccomend working on that area.

I would recommend taking some dancing classes so you can have a professional help you,but some of you might not have the money(or parent's money) to afford classes.
For those who do have the money I would take hip hop,jazz, and some modern dance classes since theres alot of moves that are used in kpop dances. I would also reccomend learning the vocabulary of dances. Later in the guide I'll show you some of the vocabulary.

Now if you don't have the money to go to dance classes, that's alright! I'm personally a self taught dancer. To teach your self a dance you should first get a body mirror. Just so you can look at yourself and see if your doing a move wrong. When learning a move you should break it down to easier peices so you can easily engulf it. Record your dances at least once month, even if there cringy you can see how you improved

Again I recommend taking vocal lessons cause a professional will teach you rhythm,how to breath when singing and helping you find your range. Of course some of you might not have money for those classes. So here is some tips.

When singing you should also work on how you breath. One time my music teacher told me a story about how his mother students would faint on stage when doing a musical because they weren't breathing correctly. So it's very important to breath from your stomach. A way to practice that is place a object on your stomach while laying down. Now try to raise it by breathing. I also reccomend to exercise part of your stomach and chest to open up more so you can sing.

You should also find your range so you can be comfortable when singing. You should get a piano to do this. If you don't have one that's alright you can download an app to help you. Play the note that's in the middle which I think is a C5 or C6(I'm not great at helping you find a range) keep playing  low notes till you can't match the pitch with your voice. Do the same with higher notess. The lowest note you can match and highest note you can reach is your range. When practicing you should also sing songs that are more in your range.
Grazy Grace has made a video on tios to improve your singing and she is also an artist who sings now

Now rapping is a bit harder considering there isn't really classes for this. For a warmup I would recommend doing tongue twisters as fast as you can to untangle your tongue. After you done that I would recommend practicing rapping certain songs. There are also some videos where they show how to rap certain songs. I really like this channel called Minergizer. She teaches you how to rap kpop songs like Stray Kids in Korean. She reads out the words first in Korean then she starts off slow speeds and gets faster. I personally was able to learn the first rap part of MIROH by Stray Kids

You should also pratice freestyling. If you want to have a position of a rapper I would reccomend learning how to do this. Freestyling is easy just take object in the room your in and make a line. For example
That cup across the room
I need that coffee to go zoom

I know that's not the best ryhme but I was just making an example. The point of freestyle is that you have to be on your toes you always have to be thinking the next ryhme or you'll mess up. I recommend reading more books so you can learn more words and more topics you can rap with. If your in a freestyling rap battle I would recommend preparing some lines before hand so that if you panic mid way through you don't seem like your stumbling. I also reccomend to have confidence, if you don't have confidence when rapping you'll seem like your not ready.

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