Non of your business!...

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Yugyeom's POV
As I sat on the couch jungkook came and sat next to me " you didn't know the She was coming?" He asked I shook my head " but I thought she texted you everything ?" He asked I looked at him " just because we text, that doesn't mean she tells me anything..." I said then played with my phone " can I ask you something?" Jungkook asked " what?" I asked him " what were you doing with yeri in your room?" He asked I stopped in my tracks " it's because-' wait why am I even telling him! It's non of his BUSINESS!' I thought " well?" He asked " well I am not telling you!" I said as I went back played with my phone " please..." he said " why do you want to know?" I asked " just curious!" He said " well, keep you CURIOSITY to yourself!" I said then went out of the living room to my room.
I shook my head " it's non of his business! Why does he keep getting into my business when I hang out it talk WITH YERI!" I talked to myself
*knock, knock*
" who is it?" I asked " us!" Taehyung said sticking his out I smiled " and me too!" I heard Lisa they came in and sat next to me on my bed " what's wrong?" Tae asked " nothin..." I said " are you sure?" He asked again I nodded " well I heard you talking or should I say eavesdrop on you and jungkook's conversation, and I think-" " NOT THINK, you LIKE yeri!" Lisa exclaimed my eyes went wide " hmm, me no! I-I don't l-like her!" I said stuttering and my cheeks went pink!
" are you sure? You are blushing!" Lisa said " a-ani!" I said my eyes widened " y-you don't mind right...." I asked looking down " don't worry we don't mind!" Lisa said " j-jinja?" I asked " ever since I saw you the first time hugging yeri when we just found her your voice sounded like you love her or missed her!" Lisa said me and tae looked at her confused " what?" We both asked she shook her head " but one problem..." I mumble loud enough to hear " what?" They asked " it's because jungkook likes yeri too..." I said they both nodded their heads " but you know it is up to yeri tho..." Lisa said I nodded " we'll get some sleep man!" Taehyung said and went out with saying ' goodnight!' I change to my pj's then got a message from yeri.
Yeri: hey Yugyeom, what did you wan to tell me?
She asked I bit my lip
Yugyeom: it's that I lik-
I immediately erased it
Yugyeom: dont worry nothing important!
Yeri : oh, arasso goodnight! Luv u!
Yugyeom: nado, goodnight!
I then closed my phone and sighed in frustration and slipped under my blanket " I wish that wore is more then a brotherly sister way..." I mumble and fell asleep.

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