Chapter five: Fragile yet strong

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Error's POV:

When Nighty left Blue and I was still laughing.

"Wait... Error you can alter a monster's checkbox?" Stretch asked.

"Mhm! Anyone but mine. How else do you think the gang has their checkbox's saying their nickname?" I replied.

"Yeah! He even added my nickname to mine!" Blue chirped.

"Can I do it?" Ink asked with stars in his eye sockets, as Dream took Seafraid so Ink doesn't hurt him.

"Yeah. All god's or extremely strong monsters can." I hummed.

"Please teach me!" Ink exclaimed, jumping onto me. Suddenly my hand fell off.

"Sure," I replied picking up my hand. Ink, Stretch, and Dream start freaking out. "...What?"

"Error, they don't know that it's normal." Blue reminded me.

"Ohhhhh right," I responded. I put my hand back to the position as I heard Ink, Dream, and Stretch freaking out.

"Here, let me help it stay in place." Blue offers, holding the fallen hand still and I wrapped it in strings.

"Thanks, Blue for giving me a hand." I joked. The trio stopped freaking out when they heard Blue groaned.

"Error why must you make a pun when I helped you put your hand back on." Blue groaned.

"Because no matter how many puns I say you will still care for me." I chuckled, rubbing Blue's hand with my previous fallen hand.

"Yeah, you're right." Blue giggled.

"HOW ARE YOU TWO SO CALM!?" Ink shouted. I just noticed Blue took Seafraid.

"Because it's normal...? My hand is already re-attached. See?" I replied, holding up both hands and shaking them.

"How many times have your limbs broken off?!" Stretch demanded.

"I don't know... I think around 100...? Blue? Do you know?" I asked.

"I think you're right with around 100," Blue responded, making me nod.

"What!? Come here!" Dream says, trying to pull me to him. I immediately pull Blue, Seafraid, and I up into a hammock on the roof, and look down on them.

"Sorry, but you do remember what happened 20 minutes ago when you tried healing me, right?" I asked. The look of realization grew on his and Inky's face while Stretch looked confused.

"What happened?" Stretch questioned.

"Error's body thinks healing magic is a poison so when Dream healed him his body rejected it," Blue answered.

"Eh, probably because I forced myself to become immune to poison." I shrugged, while hanging upside down.

"WHAT!?" Ink, Dream, and Stretch yelled.

"Why does everyone keep on yelling. You're gonna wake up Seafraid." I hissed.

"Seafraid?" Blue questioned.

"It's the name me and Inky decided on for the little one you're holding. Since Seafraid means Peace in Gods and the little one is why Inky decided to make a truce." I replied as I lowered us.

"So he doesn't know of the balance?" Blue asked, disappointed.

"He never asked." I shrugged.

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