Chapter thirteen: Dark Sanses Problems

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Twisted (Undertwist Papyrus)'s POV:

I skipped down the halls and knocked on the room that my brother and his lover are sleeping in. A few minutes later, Sans opened the door.

"Sup." He greeted.

"Good morning brother!" I chirped. I was about to ask him if he wanted to come to breakfast, but a portal opening behind me cut me off.

"Error save me!" A skeleton with black lines going down his skull yelled, running out of the room.

"Killer get back here and pay for your sins!" Another skeleton came through the portal. This skeleton had a large hole in his head.

"Horror, Killer, what's going on now?" My brother chuckled.

"He stole the ax you got me!" The one I guess to be Horror hissed.

"Well, I had to do something! He took my knife and refused to return it! I said when he gave back the knife, He gets the ax back!" I'm guessing Killer replied.

"Give back the items, you children." Sans chuckled fondly.

"Yes, Mom." They said in unison.

"Fine then, if I'm the mom then you both are grounded," Sans smirked.

"Okay, then you aren't the mom! Stars..." Horror muttered..

"Um... Brother? What's going on." I ask Sans.

"Heh, Welcome to my Life. Looking out after a group of adult children." Sans laughed.

"Error you didn't tell us this was your AU!" Horror scolded.

"We have to throw a celebration!" Killer suggested, jumping up and down.

"Yes!" Horror exclaimed, running out through a portal with Killer in tow. "Cross! We have an idea!"

"What's going on?" Ink yawned, rubbing his eye sockets as he came up behind Sans.

"The Unofficial-official Adult children came over, and now are planning a party due to us finding where I lived before the Anti-void," Sans explained.

"Oh, so nothing new. Okay." Ink muttered, half-buried in my brother's arm.

"Brother? Why do they call you Error when your name is Sans?" I asked.

"Well aside from the fact that I didn't know I had a universe before, There are many many universes inside of this multiverse, all with the same monsters in different places or with different rules. So we came up with nicknames to avoid confusion. But there are outcodes like Inky who don't have a universe. I'm guessing I'm no longer under that category." Sans hummed.

"Oh," I replied, shocked. There's alternative me's? Then again, the one wearing the orange hoodie yesterday looked like me. "Wait, does that mean that I should think of a nickname too?"

"Yeah. Normally the monsters of the AU are named after something they like, something they wear, or their AU. Our universe is named Undertwist." Sans answered.

"Hmmm... How about Twisted then?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me." My brother chirped, making me smile. A portal suddenly opened in the sky. All I saw was a White, Black, and Blue blur. Next thing I know a skeleton wearing all Black and White, with one red pupil and a red scar was tied up in blue strings that seem to be controlled by Sans.

"Oh, my stars Cross why must you always do that." My brother grumbled.

"You didn't tell you found your AU!" This Cross hissed.

"We just found out yesterday." Ink muttered, still tired. Sans kissed his skull.

"Fine, I guess that makes sense," Cross grumbled. "Now can you let me go Error? I don't want to have Horror stealing my chocolate again."

"Sure Criss Cross," Sans replied, dropping Cross on their head.

"Error you are dead!" Cross yelled.

"Good luck Oreo." Sans chuckled.

"Good luck with the sleeping Ink on your shoulder," Cross replied, pointing to Ink. As he said, Ink was asleep on my brother's shoulder.

"Pfff so cute." Error muttered, picking Ink up bridal style.

"Oh, by the way, Dream told me to tell you that Outer is taking care of Seafraid. Gonna go plan the party, cya." Cross added, making a portal underneath him.

"Who's Seafraid?" I asked.

"A child Inky and I found. We use to be in a war between Creation and Destruction and the little one was the reason there was a peace treaty." Sans explained.

"Oh. But why was there a war between that?" I questioned, following my brother as he laid Ink on the bed.

"Inky didn't hear Fate when she told him about the limit, so he didn't know and started creating without care. I was brought to the Anti-void to balance the limit being tipped all the way. The multiverse is not infinite so I was forced into the yin part. But he knows of it now and stopped creating." Sans responded.

"Huh. Wonder if I'll meet any universes." I muttered.

"I'm sure you will at whatever weird party those children are coming up with. I'm expecting a lot of chocolate since the Chara's will be there most likely." Sans answered.

"Why would those in your place be there?" I asked.

"Heh, Those kids have claimed me as their Dunckle. Then again before they were accepted, I made a support system for them to be safe in." My brother chuckled fondly.

"Well, I can't wait to meet them." I chirped. Another portal opened.

"Sup Error." A skeleton came out that has Purple and Red pupils holding a child.

"Yo Dust," Sans replied. "Others acting like children again?"

"Yup." Dust answered, popping the P. "They got everyone else into it already so I took Seafraid to safety." I looked down at the child.

"Aww, they're so cute!" I cooed.

"Heh, yeah." My brother replied with a smile.

"I've never seen clothes this soft though. Where did you find it?" I asked.

"Heh, Error made them along with some of the Original Council's clothes and his own." Dust responded.

"Really?" I said shocked, looking at my brother.

"Yup." He replied.

~Time Skip to after the party~

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