Chapter seven: Knowing Why.

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Error's POV:

"Error? ...Why did you destroy?" Stretch asked as I held Seafraid. Everyone went silent.

"Heh, knew that'd be asked sooner or later," I replied after a few minutes. "Blue, wanna explain or do you want me to?" Does my brother know?

"Nah you can," Blue said.

"Hhh alright. I guess I should start from when I can remember..." I answered.


I woke up for the 20th time in the blinding white area. I still don't know where I am. It's getting boring sleeping since there's nothing there. Was I always here or was I somewhere else before? I decided to get you and walk around to see if anyone else is here.

"Hello? Is anybody else here!? Please help!" I called out. After 30 minutes I believe, I heard something.

"Shut up mistake."

"Can he? He can't do anything right after all."

"Oh this is Fate's new pawn, isn't he?"

For the first time, I heard people! But I can't see them.

"Hello? Where are you? Why can't I see you?" I asked.

"Shut it Glitch!"

"You can't see us because we aren't completely there, idiot."

"Can you help me? Where is everything?"

"Hah! Why would we help a killer?"

"Killer? I don't remember killing someone..."

The insults went on for... well I don't know how long. There's no way to tell time. But one day, one of the voices told me how to leave. But at that time... they already drove me insane...

"Glitch just think of somewhere other than here to go there."

"20-15-18-9-5-12 why would you tell him!?"

"Because 1-19-7-15-18-5 otherwise that demon will keep on bugging us! Besides 6-1-20-5 needs his to destroy."

"But 16-1-16-19 will hate us if we-"

"1-19-7-15-18-5! If we don't do what 6-1-20-5 says we can get deleted! Do you want that!?"

"No, but that's 19-1-14-19! We already misjudged him... We blamed him when it was truly 13-5-20-20-1-20-15-14-19 fault!"

"WHaT !n Th3 w0rLd Ar3 y0u g0!nG 0n !b0uT?"

"Nothing glitch. Now do what I told you and destroy."

"f!n3." I replied while making a portal, and walking through. Before I left I think I heard some of them talking.

"20-15-18-9-5-12 no need to be so mean!" 

"How else will he listen 7-18-9-12-12-2-25!?"

~Flashback over~

"Then I started destroying. I'm not even sure what I even wanted. But those feeling started wearing off the voiced told me of the balance. The guilt was catching up to me... I wasn't even aware it was the original Underswap when I almost destroyed it. Taking Blue wasn't something planned either it just kinda happened. I told Blue of the balance and let him go.

 Nighty found me and let me join his gang. I left because I didn't want to be a burden to them... Eons passed and here we are." I explained. Stretch, Ink, and Dream looked shocked.

"Wow..." Dream breathed.

"I... still have one question though. Well, two." Ink asked.

"Shoot," I replied.

"What's the balance and Why didn't you tell us Blue?" Ink questioned.

"To put it simply, there's a limit on how many AU's there can be. If any touch then they collapse. And for as why Blue kept it a secret is because I didn't want Blue to be in danger by jumping to conclusions." I answered.

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